MOMs Club Nurtures Friendships

MOMs Club Nurtures Friendships

July 22, 2002

The MOMs Club of Potomac offers camaraderie, outings and activities for stay-at-home or part-time working mothers who live in Potomac.

Formed in 1997 by Helene Taira and Linda Weiner, the MOMs Club of Potomac is the little sister chapter of the MOMs Club of Gaithersburg.

An international, non-profit association, the MOMs Club is one way for stay-at-home moms to stay connected to their children and enjoy adult companionship.

"It's a great way to meet other moms in the same situation, not just to play with your kids, but to have conversations with other adult moms," said Laurie Halverson, former president of the MOMs Club.

Approximately 70 members participate in play groups and the babysitting co-op, the two most popular activities in the club. They also visit parks and museums together with their children and have moms' nights out each month.

General meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Potomac Community Center, 11315 Falls Road. The club produces a newsletter with a calendar of club events each month. A $30 per year member fee covers postage for the newsletter.

At the May 2002 business meeting, Merry Eisner was elected the club's new president. A member since 1999 and a board member for two years, Eisner's purpose is clear: "Primarily, I want to nurture my particular community of stay-at-home moms, support their decision to stay at home and provide them with activities during the day."

Founder Taira agrees: "Meeting moms that have the same interests as I do, making new friends — that's my favorite part."