It's Not Even April Fools Day

It's Not Even April Fools Day

Two-lane road practical joke

Citizens with the Potomac Master Plan Advisory Group will be formally thanked by the Montgomery County Planning Board for their participation in the Master Plan process this Thursday, March 21.

The following is the beginning to the letter written by Callum Murray, Potomac team leader with Planning Board staff, to the Potomac, North Potomac and Darnestown citizens who participated with the advisory group.

"Dear …

“In a surprising development, the County Council has reversed its previous vote on the Potomac Subregion Master Plan and has remanded it back to the Planning Board. In turn, the Planning Board has instructed staff and the Master Plan Advisory Group to start over.

“Just kidding!

“To be serious for just a moment, the Planning Board would very much like to present certificates of appreciation to MPAG members immediately after the Board item to approve the Resolution of Adoption of the Master Plan. This item is the Board's last of the day on March 21, 2002.”