Safety Tips

Safety Tips

According to the National Safety Council, drowning claims about 4,000 lives each year and is the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Drowning can occur in ponds, lakes, rivers, swimming pools, spas and hot tubs; and most accidents can be prevented. The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department recommends the following water safety tips:

In general:

* Always supervise children in and around the water.

* Obey posted safety rules.

* Have adequate flotation devises on hand.

* Recognize signs of fatigue, especially in children

* Never leave children alone or out of eye contact when they are in or near water.

* Always use approved personal-flotation devises rather than inflatable toys to keep children afloat.

For private pools:

* Have all adult family members learn CPR.

* Discuss pool rules, safety measures and procedures, and water depths with guests before entering the water.

* With above-ground pools, hot tubs and spas, secure and lock steps and ladders leading from the ground to the recreation area or remove them completely when not being used.

* Always use a locked safety cover when spas and hot tubs are not in use and always keep young children away unless there is constant adult supervision.

* Make sure spas have dual drains and drain covers required by current safety standards.

* Regularly have a professional check the spa or hot tub and make sure it is in good, safe-working condition, and that drain covers are in place and not cracked or missing. Check drain covers throughout the year.

* Know where the cut-off switch for the pump is in case of an emergency.