Amundson Seeks Another Term

Amundson Seeks Another Term

Kris Amundson has more to do. She kicked off her re-election campaign in the 44th district at the home of Karen and Ted Stone last week saying, "We've done a lot, but there's more to do. I will continue to do that work as long as you allow me to do it."

Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerry Hyland introduced Amundson by saying, "Kris and I go way back. She distinguished herself on the school board. Then she led the school board. It's an honor for me to stand here and kick off her campaign."

Hyland continued by saying, "Look at what she's done. She's reached out and made sure that she's listened to everyone. She's a people's person."

As she comes to the end of another term in the House of Delegates, Amundson said that she hasn't forgotten her re-election promises and she never forgot who she was working for. She said that she works with, and for, the people of her district.

ONE OF THE things she does to facilitate that goal is to have community office hours at the Sherwood Hall Library. She said that is where she gets some of her best ideas, and cited the case of a constituent who had problems with a solvent used for tile laying. The sickness caused by this chemical led Amundson to sponsor legislation banning the use of the chemical.

"I need to make sure that this will never happen to anyone else. You can be sure neither our citizens nor our groundwater will ever be in danger," she said.

Amundson also cited some of her priorities. She believes that the government is responsible for taking care of those most vulnerable even when budgets are tight. She also said that it's important to protect the environment. "It's a responsibility and a privilege," she said.

And finally, she believes that the classroom is important. "They will make the American dream an American reality," she said. "Our schools are excellent and strong."

Before she invited everybody to partake of her traditional Norwegian fare celebrating Norwegian Independence Day, she said, "I'm really excited about getting started. I know where I want to go, and I need your help."