Seminary Valley

Seminary Valley

<bt>For all those who love to clean out their attics and basements and then make a tidy profit at the Taney Yard Sale, we need your help. After many years of chairing the annual sale, usually held the third weekend in September, Marilyn Stevenson and her fellow members of the Women's Club are looking for a volunteer to take over the project. We already have people to help with publicity and collecting money. But unless we get someone willing to take charge, we will have to cancel the event. That would be a shame since it's become a neighborhood institution and people look forward to it, both as buyers and sellers. If you or your group would be willing to chair the function or serve on the committee, please contact BSVCA President Kathy Burns at 703-824-1799. We need you.

The Holmes Run Park Committee is having its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 2 at 7 p.m. at the Beatley Library. Topics of discussion include presentations by the Eisenhower Partnership and the committee's Transportation Task Force and updates to the Foxchase and Landmark Mall projects.

Our neighbors in Cameron Station, just a short walk away, are hosting the Cameron Station Craft Show on Saturday, June 18 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cameron Perks Coffeehouse. If you haven't ventured on that side of Duke Street yet, take some time to do so. The featured artists will include jewelry, pottery, handbags, paper goods and more.

As your summer travels are beginning, take time to watch out for pedestrians and bikers. We are lucky to have great sidewalks and relatively wide streets for these folks to use, but it's up to us to stop at the stop signs and keep an eye out.

Speaking of summer travels, Pat and I just returned from a week in Vienna, Austria. It's hard to believe that we had to go there to enjoy 80-degree weather. If you are in that vicinity and you are a history buff, don't miss "The New Austria" at the Upper Belvedere. It's fascinating to look at world events, like V-E day, from another perspective. My dad served in Austria with the 25th Armored Division; we didn't exactly retrace his steps, but I wondered what he would have made of the "new Austria."

Send Seminary Valley info to Mia Jones at 703-823-5261 or to