Governing Documents Campaign

Governing Documents Campaign

Reston Association released its plan to encourage passage of proposed governing documents

Not yet receiving a second draft of the governing documents, the Reston Association released its public relations plan Monday, June 13 to encourage the passage of the governing documents referendum.

At a board administration committee meeting, Karen Monaghan, director of communications at RA, presented the plan for pushing the referendum’s passage.

"We’re going to put forth a very aggressive educational effort and we hope we’ll get a good response from the membership," said Monaghan.

Included in Monaghan’s presentation were two objectives for the plan: "Provide easy to understand and consistently prepared educational materials to membership prior to the referendum being sent" and "encourage members to vote, and vote in favor of the proposed changes, particularly the elimination of the cap."

"Eliminating the cap is vital to upholding the quality of life in Reston and the financial health of the association," said the plan, listing one of three key messages. The other key messages for the plan included "voting is important to the long-term viability of Reston" and "contributing to this campaign is the equivalent of contributing to the legacy of Reston."

The governing documents referendum, planned for October, requires a 40 percent voter turnout and a 2/3 support vote in order to pass.

The campaign, which has already started with educational efforts, is expected to cost $70,000 according to Monaghan.

"That’s roughly what it cost us to do the Southgate campaign," said Monaghan.

Publicity proposed in the plan includes an ad campaign, recorded phone messages, brochures, fact sheets, flyers, buttons, and stickers. Publicity contributors proposed in the plan included RA board members, RA staff, former RA board members, supportive local elected officials and Bob Diamond of ReedSmith, LLC, who was brought on last summer to help the Association through the revising process.

The RA board initiated the revision of the governing documents in 2002, when a committee was formed to examine the issue. The documents codify the powers, rules and regulations that govern the Association and have not been changed since 1984.