61 Graduate from Bryant, Landmark

61 Graduate from Bryant, Landmark

Careers & Learning scholarships were awarded to Marleny Kery, Kristianna Moody, Angelia Morales, Yanira Portillo, and Naheed Sharief during the June 21 graduation for Bryant High School and Landmark Career Academy.

Asif Aryubi was awarded the Edward A. Ball Memorial Scholarship, the Maureen Hanrahan Memorial Scholarship and the Alexandria South Rotary Scholarship. Yanira Portillo was also awarded the Bailey Scholarship and the Maureen Hanrahan Memorial Scholarship. Angie Awadalla was awarded the Dream Catcher Scholarship sponsored by the Apple Federal Credit Union.

Many students received awards for their distinguished performance in academic subjects. The graduating class represented more than 20 countries with students speaking more than 48 languages.

Graduation speakers were Asif Aryubi and Kristianna Moody of Bryant High School and Christina Lagasse of Landmark Career Academy. Student Marshals from the Leadership Club were Sandra Alvarado, Edward Gonzalez, Naheeda Farhat, Lien Nguyen, and Anita Perez.