North Ridge

North Ridge

Residents of North Ridge should circle Monday, March 14, on their calendars and plan to attend what should be a very informative annual meeting of the North Ridge Citzens' Association.

The meeting will feature presentations by many, and perhaps all, the candidates to succeed Marian Van Landingham as Delgate to the Virginia House of Delegates for the 45th District, as well as one by our new City Manager, James Hartmann, who will speak on "the state of the City." New officers for the Association will be elected and will give a status report on the neighborhood. Copies of "North Ridge Lore" will be on sale.

This should be an excellent opportunity to catch up on (maybe even get ahead of) key events in the neighborhood, city and state. The meeting will be held at at George Mason Elementary School, 2601 Cameron Mills Road, at 7:30 p.m.