Relief Truck On Its Way

Relief Truck On Its Way

At the start of this month, members of the Herndon United Methodist Church set out to raise $25,000 by Oct. 31 for the purchase of a box truck.

As of Oct. 31, the church was able to raise $23,500 primarily through donations from members of the congregation as well as a $5,000 donation from Floris United Methodist Church, said the Rev. Justin White, Herndon United Methodist Church.

Although they fell short of their goal by $1,500, the church purchased the truck hoping to make up the rest of the money through additional donations or through the church budget over time.

The box truck was purchased to be donated to members of the United Methodist Church Committee on Relief's distribution center. The center is located just north of New Orleans where volunteers and employees have been working overtime to address the needs of Gulf Coast residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

The center acts as the distribution depot for church members to send flood kit supplies, first aid kits and other goods to help in case of an emergency. Ironically the center was impacted by the aftermath of Katrina's destruction, said White.

Through a network of ministers via e-mail and other on-line message boards, personnel at the center quickly sent a plea to United Methodist Churches across the country asking for help with hurricane relief efforts.

Instead of sending only supplies, Herndon United Methodist Church members wanted to give the center something that could be used during the upcoming months when assistance would be an on-going duty.

Selected church members began the drive to the center in Louisiana Sunday, bringing the truck stocked full of much needed supplies.