Letter: Irony of Tissue Comment

Letter: Irony of Tissue Comment

I note the irony in Ms. Lee Perkins’ letter of July 26 in which she likens the McDonnell administration’s attitude toward women as “disposable as Kleenex.”

No, Ms. Perkins, it is not Republicans who regard human beings as “just a bunch of tissue.” It is liberals like yourself who think and act that way. The present Republican-led administration is seeking to protect all citizens of the Commonwealth, including the unborn, the frail elderly and those needing many different types of social services. It is seeking to hold abortion clinics to the same standard as hospitals where first through third trimesters surgical abortions are performed on young women who want to terminate the life of a human being. It opposes a “managed care” attitude toward the elderly, which under the so-called “Affordable Care Act,” will counsel patients in their advanced years that the anticipated outcome of a heart operation, cancer drug or a hip implant will not add more than a few months of life. The McDonnell administration also strives to preserve the unity of the family and the most fundamental rights of all parents by supporting and enforcing parental notification that protects minor children in need of family and other counseling. Mr. Cucinnelli, our attorney general, has also stated that he unequivocally upholds the right of all religious entities to define who they are and what services they can ethically and in good conscience provide to a broad-based needy population. Bravo to these principled people who are in charge of our Commonwealth, and to other states that have gone on record to recognize that our First Amendment religious liberties are at great risk due to the overbearing policies of HHS and the Obama administration.

Kleenex, you say? Disposable? No, I don’t think so. “Don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of tissue.” Thanks to clever rhetoric and the muddled thinking of liberals, that’s the line that every vulnerable, frightened and possibly very pregnant young woman hears the moment she enters the portals of her local Planned Parenthood Clinic.

Kerry Carter
