Celebrating Columbus at Churchill Road

Celebrating Columbus at Churchill Road

Mrs. Jan Clark’s kindergarteners Erica Dong, Nash Butler, Matthew Troy, John Deringer, Zachary Yellen, Evan Kelly and Carter Cadin perform a rousing rendition of “O Columbus,” a song about Columbus’ voyage to America.

Mrs. Jan Clark’s kindergarteners Erica Dong, Nash Butler, Matthew Troy, John Deringer, Zachary Yellen, Evan Kelly and Carter Cadin perform a rousing rendition of “O Columbus,” a song about Columbus’ voyage to America. Photo by Kim Moran


Churchill Road kindergarteners Daniel Zeng and Redda Brigety in Mrs. Erin Thurston’s class enjoyed a “Sailor Snack” of bread, cheese, tomato, orange, lemon, raisins, rice, honey and dried salted beef—the only food Columbus and his sailors had on their voyage.

On Friday, Oct. 5, Churchill Road kindergarten classes celebrated Columbus Day by learning about Christopher Columbus. They created hats representing the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria and learned a special song, “O Columbus,” commemorating his historic voyage. They also enjoyed a special “Sailor Snack” of bread, cheese, tomato, orange, lemon, raisins, rice, honey and dried salted beef—the only foods that Columbus and his sailors had on board their ships. Sampling only these foods helped the students understand the differences between long ago and now.