Letter: Senator Who Cares

Letter: Senator Who Cares

To the Editor:

It's been more than frustrating to watch such a dysfunctional Congress. Looking toward the coming election, I'm voting for candidates that can cross party aisles and put the welfare of the citizens first. This is why I am supporting Sen. Mark Warner's re-election. Examining his past work in the Senate has given me hope that with more representatives like him, our legislature can emerge from the inoperative era.

I'm a mother of two small children, so I'm passionate about his work to support the health of our children. Just recently, Sen. Warner joined with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and other Republicans from across the country to put our tax dollars to better use. Rather than continuing to fund political party conventions, Warner lead the support in the Senate for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research bill, a piece of legislation that would divert former political money to the NIH for research for pediatric diseases.

His track record in putting health issues first is impressive. After being personally affected by his mother’s own struggle with Alzheimer’s, Sen. Warner created the bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease which aims to invest in Alzheimer’s research and stamp out the disease by 2020.

I believe that Mark Warner has his priorities in the right order. I support his willingness to work with Republicans in the House and Senate whenever it means putting children, seniors and the American people first.

Olivia Hinebaugh
