Letter: Time To Rename Highway

Letter: Time To Rename Highway

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Regarding the unease over the Appomattox statue, the display of the Confederate flag on Lee-Jackson day, and the Jefferson Davis highway: to me, by far the most offensive, and indefensible, is the last. The statue, it could be argued, is part of Alexandria's history, and the gloomy and pensive demeanor of its subject could be viewed as someone contemplating a deserved fate. The flag, while unfortunate, is only on display for a short time every year. But the highway is a major thoroughfare and there is no reason it should be named after the one and only president of the Confederacy. It is an insult to all, especially African-Americans, who travel it every day. Let's support Adam Ebbin and our other representatives in Richmond in their efforts to expunge the name of a traitor to his country and a staunch defender of slavery.

Alan Chodos
