Letter: Leaving the Judging to God

Letter: Leaving the Judging to God

To the Editor

To the Editor:

“Whoever kills a person...it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

The tragic event which took place early on June 12 at the hands of a despicable and deranged individual breaks my heart. The blatant disregard for the value of human life is shocking. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Orlando community, and especially with the families and friends of the victims. This goes against anything and everything that my religion and my allegiance to America, as a citizen of this great country, stands for and represents. Islam gives no one the right to violently cut short the lives of innocent people, or judge them for the way they choose to live. I don't drink alcohol and consider adultery a sin, does this mean I should kill those who drink or have affairs? Just as that makes no sense, neither does killing anyone for their sexual orientation. Islam teaches me to leave the judging to God and to focus my energy on attaining God’s pleasure by showing compassion and serving all of His creation in whatever capacity I can.

I condemn all terrorist activity, everywhere. This is true regardless of where it happens and who it happens to because I love all of humanity. My love for humanity is not reserved only for Muslims nor only for Americans just because I, myself, am an American Muslim. My heart bleeds for every atrocity and every injustice inflicted on my fellow mankind, and I stand against any type of bigotry and discrimination towards any group or community. Why then does the media try to make me feel compelled to always publicly apologize for any and all unfortunate events that take place?

Let’s please clarify that I am in no way responsible for the actions of any person in this world besides myself. No one. Not even my own children. I will work hard my entire life to teach them right from wrong and instill a love for service to humanity in their hearts, but in the end they alone are answerable for their actions. Everyone is solely responsible for their own deeds. “And no burdened soul can bear the burden of another; and if a heavily laden soul call another to bear its load, naught of it shall be carried by the other, even though he be a kinsman (Quran, 35:19).”

After the Virginia Tech or Sandy Hook shootings did the media turn to the killer’s religion or community looking for condemnation or an apology? No. And I'm glad they didn't because every sane person understood that the monster responsible for each tragedy was just that, a monster who represented evil alone. So please extend the same compassion to us! Why isn't it possible for someone of Asian/Middle Eastern descent who just so happens to be affiliated with Islam simply be a misguided insane madman executing a personal vendetta against mankind, and not tarnish an entire religion by being wrongfully portrayed as a devout believer waging a “holy” war, until and unless there is clear evidence otherwise?

Love for all, hatred for none.

Aisha Khan
