McLean, Great Falls Letter: Voting for National Security

McLean, Great Falls Letter: Voting for National Security

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

As a West Point graduate, I learned long ago that strength is a key deterrent to any potential enemy. Given McLean's proximity to Washington and remembering very well the chaos of 9/11, national security is something that is always in the forefront of my mind. Terrorists and radical regimes seemingly want nothing more than to destroy our way of life, and Washington is a prime target for terrorists and state actors alike.

Our representative, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock, understands the real threats facing our nation. She served in the Justice Department during and after the 9/11 attacks, and worked with senior national security officials. In Congress, she has a strong record of supporting the national security and intelligence communities by voting to give them the tools and resources needed to secure our homeland and take the fight to our enemies abroad. Her opponent, LuAnn Bennett, on the other hand, supports cuts to defense spending and reducing our nuclear deterrent. Bennett strongly supported the misguided Iran Nuclear deal and has even fundraised on her support for this deal, which gave Iran over $100 billion in sanction relief which it now can use to subsidize its terrorists activities. The Iran Deal also bars meaningful international or American inspections of Iranian nuclear sites and all but assures Iran will get nuclear weapons in the near future. Given the threats our region faces, and given the amount of defense industry companies and defense agencies we have in Virginia, it would make no sense to support a candidate who favors cutting defense spending and unilaterally disarming us in the face of danger. My vote will go to Congresswoman Comstock, because I know it will be a vote to help secure the nation.

Gary Wingo
