Alexandria Letter: Man-made Traffic Disaster

Alexandria Letter: Man-made Traffic Disaster

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

In the spring the Transportation Planning Division in the city disregarded widespread public opposition and decided to suppress one lane in each direction of King Street between the T.C. Williams High School and Janney's Lane in favor of creating bike lanes.

The result has confirmed the worst fears of those opposed to this cavalier decision. There is now serious congestion on King Street each morning and evening with car fumes invading the adjacent neighborhoods. Stressed drivers are filling up side-streets to avoid King Street congestion and not lose time and gasoline.

It is now up to the Transportation Planning Division that rammed through the King Street modification to solve the problem. Surely our taxes should not be wasted to create a traffic disaster?

I could offer two solutions: either undo the whole project and restore the car lanes of King Street between T.C. Williams and Janneys Lane or encourage all students in T.C. Williams to commute to their school by bike. Those opting for biking would be happy to use the bike lanes that seem to have been the objective of our Transportation Planning Division — they are empty.

Klas Ringskog
