Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Faithful To Country

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Faithful To Country


In honor of Memorial Day, Old Glory’s red, white and blue above Heritage At Old Town.

The heart of Old Glory: Where there's liberty, there's freedom.

We celebrate this Memorial Day in honor of all our men and women in uniform who have stood in the line of duty and the sacrifice each has given for our country. It's truly a picture easily painted within one's own mind if one takes the time. Maybe that's the reason I write and share my concern for the wellbeing of our nation, in honor of those we lost who answered the call of duty, and their families, many of whom suffered the loss of a love one.

I think of my family and friends who have served our country, so much given and so many gone.

There's this little plaque on a rock at the Veteran's Memorial Walkway along the bike path of the 500 block of South Columbus and Wilkes Street. Often pedestrians would stop and read the plaque on this rock throughout the year and children would play nearby and there’s a beauty of so many taking time to read it.

The plaque offers a meaning that speaks and touches the heart of those who just had a moment in time to read it: “Dedicated to the City of Alexandria and Alexandria's Veteran's Organizations On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 1979, in Honored Memory of the Deceased Alexandria Veterans of All the United States Wars. Their Service in War and Peace Contributed Greatly to the Welfare of Their Fellow Citizens ... Charles E. Beatley, Jr., Mayor ... Robert L. Calhoun, Vice Mayor ... Donald C. Casey, Councilman ... Margaret B. Inman, Councilwoman ... Nelson E. Greene, Sr., Councilman ... James P. Moran, Jr., Councilman ... Carlyle C. Ring, Jr., Councilman ...."

In honor of all our men and women in uniform who have stood and fought for our country; they are not forgotten.

Activist Geri Baldwin
