Proposed Site Revisions for RTC North Plan

Proposed Site Revisions for RTC North Plan

Curvilinear streets and parks in forested areas suggested.

Reston Association announced that during its July 26 Design Review Board work session, representatives of Fairfax County and INOVA, the two property owners of the approximately 47-acre Reston Town Center North properties, presented revisions to the Development Plan Submission. LandDesign of Alexandria represented the property owners.

When comparing design components of the Reston Town Center North Master Plan as Shown in Development Plan Submission to Design Review Board, to the July 26, 2019, Proposed Master Plan, the revised design provides parks in a forested areas, curvilinear, tree-lined streets rather than a grid of streets, more "Reston character and Reston-specific streetscape," tree preservation, an identified location for the athletic field, 9+ acres of open space and eight developable blocks. Also, intersections to adjacent properties matched.

According to the July 26 Design Review Board work session presentation by LandDesign for RTC North, the revised design components evolved after the team incorporated feedback from earlier meetings, such as with Design Review Board in 2018, Fairfax County Planning & Development March thru May 2019, Virginia Department of Transportation and Fairfax County Department of Transportation April thru June 2019 and INOVA and Fairfax County internal charrette with the consultant team, LandDesign, Urban, Wells, Noritake and RTKL.

The Design Review Board was "generally pleased" with the revision according to RA and suggested, "the applicant look for additional opportunities for tree save in existing natural areas for community activities, provide more of a sense of character through graphic design to the park-like areas, including parking, and include additional renderings to provide a sense of scale for future buildings in the development blocks and how they will relate to the surrounding buildings."

"The county and INOVA are working to implement the comprehensive plan guidance for this area, which includes a grid of streets and blocks for future development that will align with existing and future connections. The future development for these blocks will comprise a mix of residential, office, retail, open green space and community service facilities. The community service aspects include a new library, homeless shelter, human services and a recreation center," stated RA in a news release. A representative for LandDesign did not return requests for comment.

Google maps indicated existing conditions in the eight blocks of the proposed site plan for Reston Town Center North as Block 1- North County Human Services Center, Block 2- INOVA Emergency Room, Blocks 3+5-Structure, Block 6- SunRise at Reston, Block 7- OakPark @ Reston Town Center and Block 8- Fairfax County Reston Regional Library.

LandDesign's Proposed Review Process Timeline as submitted to DRB:

  • Revise and resubmit Development Plan / PRC Plan for street network / Streetscape to Fairfax County - Fall 2019
  • Reston Planning and Zoning Committee Review and Reston DRB full board review – Fall 2019
  • Planning Commission Public Hearing - Spring 2020
  • BOS Public Hearing - Summer 2020
  • Real estate exchange between County and Inova - Fall 2020
  • PRC plans submitted for individual blocks - TBD