Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Slippery Slope Of Gun Control

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Slippery Slope Of Gun Control

"Gun safety" is merely the latest euphemism for gun control. To see behind this superficially "moderate" approach in the "Gun Safety: Critical First Step" commentary (Aug. 1), readers would well focus on the third paragraph's topic sentence: "Gunshots are the second leading cause of injury-related deaths in children, next only to car accidents."

This paragraph concedes that cars are a bigger threat than guns, so consider what the city's liberal political establishment is trying to do to cars, such as removing a Seminary Road traffic lane which will necessarily eliminate a lot of cars. Just as the city's liberal political establishment is employing subterfuge ("traffic safety" in the case of Seminary Road, even though that section of Seminary Road is relatively safe and serves a hospital) in pursuit of a hidden agenda of restricting cars, likewise "gun safety" is being touted to incrementally restrict guns by targeting the least restrictive gun rule and then, after tightening the least restrictive gun rule, going after the next least restrictive gun rule, etc. 'til guns are entirely restricted.

To their credit, Second Amendment advocacy groups understand how this incrementalist trick works and, thus far at least, have not allowed even the first seemingly "reasonable" restriction to become the proverbial first step in a slippery slope into gun control.

Dino Drudi
