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Timone’s Tale: From the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA): “We've had Timone since he was just a week or so old, and didn't notice any issues until he was starting to wean and move onto wet cat food instead of KMR. He could not keep anything down — every time he tried to eat, he would vomit everything back up. After a few weeks of trying to figure out what was wrong, he was diagnosed with a condition that had caused a ventricle from his heart to wrap around his esophagus, restricting his esophagus to the size of a pin. Now that we had a diagnosis, he needed immediate surgery to correct the condition so that he wouldn't starve to death. Unfortunately this was open heart surgery, and very expensive because of the intricacies of the surgery. We were able to raise the entire $8,000 for his surgery and after-care in 24 hours. Our community really banded together to save Timone's life. Timone had his surgery, but unfortunately his condition was more severe than we first thought, so it did not fully correct it. He's doing much better, and we hope with some further treatment and therapy, he'll be OK. We're still unsure as to how his condition will progress, but we're doing all we can for him.”

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Tease photo

AWLA’s Neonatal Nursery Saves Kittens

Hundreds would have died without this level of care.


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