Providence Students Plant Tree

Providence Students Plant Tree

Arbor Day event part of city's tree initiative.

Jamie Bartoo’s class brought their science lesson outdoors. The Providence Elementary School first graders learn science through nature, said Principal Joy Hanbury said.

On Friday, April 28, the students were learning about science through planting a tree in the school’s front lawn.

The children and some assembled dignitaries were there to celebrate Arbor Day. Fairfax City Mayor Robert Lederer and Fairfax City Schools Superintendent George Stepp were among those in attendance.

“Trees do a good deed, by making stuff that we need,” the first graders told those assembled by reciting a poem they composed. “We like to see trees everywhere.”

Trees “clean our air,” said Kirk Holley, chairman of the Fairfax City Community Appearance Committee.

Each year, the City of Fairfax plants a tree at one of the city’s schools to celebrate Arbor Day.

To maintain is distinction as a Tree City USA, the City of Fairfax has to have a tree board, allocate at least $2 per resident for trees, have a tree ordinance and have a public celebration of Arbor Day, said Urban Forest Conservationist James McGlone, who is with the Virginia Department of Forestry.

The city planted a stellar pink dogwood, closely related to Virginia’s state tree — the white dogwood. When it is fully grown, it will be about 20 feet high and 20 feet wide.