Music and Fashion at Westfield High

Music and Fashion at Westfield High

Upcoming show meshes cool tunes with hot styles.

Combine cool music with hot, new fashions and the result is the upcoming Westfield High fashion show, "Walk it Out."

Presented by the Advanced Fashion Marketing class, it will hit the school's auditorium runway Tuesday, March 20, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance (in the cafeteria and room F225) and $10 at the door.

EXPLORING THE relationship between music and fashion, four music scenes will be the backdrops to present the latest spring clothing trends. There'll be short dresses, metallic fabrics, bright 1980s-inspired colors and fashions in black and white.

Providing the clothing are After Hours, Caché and Lord & Taylor from Fair Oaks Mall, plus Target in Chantilly. In addition, original outfits designed by seniors Jenny Wong and Michelle Little, from the Advanced Fashion Marketing class, will also be showcased.

Thirty students from throughout the school will model clothes for both men and women, and they'll be wearing makeup from Chanel and Perspectives.

Music will range from 1980s rock to country, hip hop and electronica. And Deejay Brian from radio station HOT 99.5 FM will emcee and spin the tunes while the models strut their stuff.

"It is an exhilarating experience and a well-planned, organized, musical extravaganza," said senior Ashley Bencivenga, the fashion-show director. "Working on this project connected our class as sisters," added junior Jenna Showalter. "Communication skills were better than ever and we accomplished an awesome show."

Fashion Marketing teacher Daisy Robles Johnson describes the student team coordinating the show as strong and cohesive. For example, she said, "Ashley Bencivenga is not only a capable leader, but can also keep her cool under pressure. The event provides students with a real opportunity to put into practice the skills learned in the classroom, and I believe it will be fun for the whole community."

JUNIOR STACY MORRISETTE, one of the show promoters, said things are going great so far and the event will be "a really good way to see the spring fashions. And we're going to have great giveaways from some of the sponsors — gift bags and gift certificates for merchandise."

Although the students are still putting the final touches on the show, "Everyone in the class has no doubt it will be a complete success," said junior Alexandra Toma. "A lot of hard work and time went into it, and this year's show will blow all previous shows away."

— Westfield students Amanda Jackson and Cameron Mancini contributed to this article.