Send announcements or events, which are open to the public at no or minimal cost, to The Loudoun Connection, 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102 or e-mail <a href=""></a>. Deadline is Friday, two weeks before the event. Photos/artwork encouraged. For more information, call 703-917-6454.
<cal1>Thursday/Dec. 4
<cal2>RACCOONS AND FRIENDS. 9:30-11 a.m. or 12:30-2 p.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Ages 3-6. Make own raccoon mask while exploring their lives and the lives of their furry friends. Cost: $10.50 per child. Call 571-258-3700.
<cal1>Friday/Dec. 5
<cal2>TEEN CENTER. 7-10 p.m., After-Hours Teen Center, Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. Features winter wonderland dance. All teens attending the teen center must have a permission slip, signed by a parent or guardian, on file. Download the permission slip at go to Teen Scene, Events, Hanging Out Rocks. For middle-schoolers.
TODDLER ONE AND TWO. 11 a.m., Rust Library, 34D Catoctin Circle, Leesburg. Stories, rhymes and movement for ages 12-24 months with a parent or caregiver. Sign up online at or phone 703-777-0323.
FIRST FRIDAY. 6-8:30 p.m., Loudoun Museum, 16 Loudoun St., SW, Leesburg. Includes special Leesburg 250th Anniversary exhibit, making traditional holiday cards and listening to carols sung by strolling Victorian costumed singers. Exhibits and activities are free. Call Beth Friedmann 703-777-7427.
<cal1>Saturday/Dec. 6
<cal2>ZANY BRAINY GAMES. 11 a.m., Sterling Library, 120 Enterprise St., Sterling. Play games such as crosswords, bingo and Assassin. Ages 8-12. Register online at or phone 703-430-9500.
CONCERT. 3 p.m., Sterling Library, 120 Enterprise St., Sterling. Too Human entertain and delight with their jazzy-bluesy vocals, guitar, percussion and upright bass. All ages.
STORY TIME MATINEE. 2 p.m., Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. Stories, songs, a video storybook and a craft for 3-6 year olds.
MITIGATION PROJECT. 8 a.m., Dulles Greenway Wetlands. Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy in looking for waterfowl species who visit during the winter months. Meet at the wetlands gate along Route 650 at 8 a.m. Bring binoculars and scopes, dress for the weather and wear waterproof shoes/boots. Registration required, contact Phil Daley at 540-338-6528 or
SATURDAY AT THE SANCTUARY. 10:30 a.m., at the Rust Nature Sanctuary, 802 Childrens Center Road, Leesburg. Explore nature. For adults and older children. Free. Call 703-737-0021 or visit
<cal1>Sunday/Dec. 7
<cal2>COOKIE WALK. 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Sterling United Methodist Church, 304 E. Church Road, Sterling. The Sterling United Methodist Women are holding a cookie walk to benefit local missions. Purchase a container, $5 small; $10 large, then fill it up with cookies. Call 703-430-6455 or visit
BOOK DISCUSSION. 3 p.m., Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. Andrew Jampoler, author and Loudoun resident, discusses and signs his book, "The Last Lincoln Conspirator, John Surratt’s Flight from the Gallows." Recommended for teens, adults and seniors.
<cal1>Monday/Dec. 8
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
A BEAR? WHERE? 9:30-11 a.m. or 12:30-2 p.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Ages 3-6. Discover the life of different bears and explore a "bear cave." Cost: $10.50 per child. Call 571-258-3700.
<cal1>Tuesday/Dec. 9
<cal2>POTLUCK SOCIAL. 5 p.m., Cascades Senior Center, 21060 Whitfield Place, Sterling. Share favorite home-cooked meals, side dishes and desserts. All seniors welcome; bring a dish to share and small gift bag for bingo prize. Call 703-430-2397.
<cal1>Thursday/Dec. 11
<cal2>CASINO TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Charles Town, W.Va. Includes slots and simulcast horse racing; lunch on own. Cost: $8 for members, $10 for nonmembers, includes transportation and $5 cash back, subject to change. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
A BEAR? WHERE? 9:30-11 a.m. or 12:30-2 p.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Ages 3-6. Discover the life of different bears and explore a "bear cave." Cost: $10.50 per child. Call 571-258-3700.
BIRD WALKS FOR BEGINNERS. 8-9 a.m., at the Rust Nature Sanctuary, 802 Childrens Center Road, Leesburg. Learn about bird watching. For adults and older children. Free. Call 703-737-0021 or visit
<cal1>Friday/Dec. 12
<cal2>FURRY FRIDAY. 5-7 p.m., Sterling Community Center, 20 Enterprise St., Sterling. Once a month, animals from the Loudoun County Animal Shelter will be at the Sterling Community. Bring the whole family for a real "happy hour" with animals looking for new homes. Visit
TEEN CENTER. 7-10 p.m., After-Hours Teen Center, Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. Features winter wonderland dance. All teens attending the teen center must have a permission slip, signed by a parent or guardian, on file. Download the permission slip at go to Teen Scene, Events, Hanging Out Rocks. For high-schoolers.
TODDLER ONE AND TWO. 11 a.m., Rust Library, 34D Catoctin Circle, Leesburg. Stories, rhymes and movement for ages 12-24 months with a parent or caregiver. Sign up online at or phone 703-777-0323.
PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT. 6-9 p.m., Sterling United Methodist Church, 304 E. Church Road, Sterling. Potty-trained children 3-grade five take part in arts and crafts, cookie decorating and watch a movie. Cost: $15 per one child; $10 each additional child. Call 703-430-6455 or visit
NATURE BUDDIES. 9:15-10 a.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Age 2. Toddlers explore nature with an adult. Discover the trees, birds and ponds of the park relating to animals in winter. No unregistered siblings. Cost: $5.25 per child. Children must be accompanied by and adult. Call 571-258-3700.
NATURE EXPLORERS. 10:30-11:30 a.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Ages 3-5. Discover the outdoors with a grown-up friend. Look for tracks, listen for birdcalls, look under logs and more, while focusing on animals in winter. Cost: $7. Children must be accompanied by and adult. Call 571-258-3700.
WINTER BIRDS: Stay or Go? 3:30-5 p.m., Claude Moore Park, 21544 Old Vestal’s Gap Road, Sterling. Ages 6-10. What "tells" a bird to migrate for the winter? Explore the features scientists are discovering that send these intuitive creatures to a new scene. Cost: $10.50 per child. Call 571-258-3700.
JAZZ PERFORMANCE. 6:30-9:30 p.m., Sala Thai, Ashburn. Da Capo Duo with Phil Mathieu on guitar. Visit
<cal1>Saturday/Dec. 13
<cal2>MUSIC & DANCE. 6 p.m., Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. An evening of instrumentals and updated Jewish music from Eastern Europe with vocals by Jinny Marsh and dancing by Jay McCrensky. All ages. Sponsored by the Irwin Uran Gift Fund.
BOOK SWAP. 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Claude Moore Community Center, 46111 Loudoun Park Lane, Sterling. All ages. Trade adult and children's books, books on tape or CD, music CDs, VHS and DVD movies. Call 571-258-3500.
BIRDING BANSHEE. 8 a.m., Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve. Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and the Friends of Banshee Reeks for the monthly bird walk. Bring binoculars. Contact Joe Coleman at 540-554-2542 o r
<cal1>Monday/Dec. 15
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
<cal1>Tuesday/Dec. 16
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Rust Library, 34D Catoctin Circle, Leesburg. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
<cal1>Thursday/Dec. 18
<cal2>BILINGUAL STORY TIME. 4 p.m., Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. Bilingual story telling in English and Spanish for children ages 2-6. Visit
<cal1>Friday/Dec. 19
<cal2>TEEN CENTER. 7-10 p.m., After-Hours Teen Center, Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Place, Potomac Falls. Features holiday fabric night. All teens attending the teen center must have a permission slip, signed by a parent or guardian, on file. Download the permission slip at go to Teen Scene, Events, Hanging Out Rocks. For middle-schoolers.
<cal1>Saturday/Dec. 20
<cal2>N.Y.C. BUS TRIP. 6:30 a.m., Loudoun Commuter Bus Lot, 110 Catoctin Circle S.E., Leesburg. Travel by luxury motor coach to New York City. Cost: $60 per person; under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Call 703-771-5913 to register.
<cal1>Monday/Dec. 22
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
<cal1>Saturday/Dec. 27
<cal2>SCHOOL OF ROCK. 6-9 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The School of Rock All-Stars will play with special opener The Pat Sommers Project. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Sunday/Dec. 28
<cal2>CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT. Count circle covers 177 square miles north to Waterford, south to Aldie, east to Ashburn and west to Purcellville. Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy in the National Audubon Society’s Annual Christmas Bird Count. Everyone is welcome, both beginners and expert birders, amateurs are teamed with experienced birders. Contact Joe Coleman at 540-554-2542 or
<cal1>Monday/Dec. 29
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
<cal1>Tuesday/Dec. 30
<cal2>STORY TIME. 4:30 p.m., Rust Library, 34D Catoctin Circle, Leesburg. One-on-one reading time for children as they buddy up with teen volunteers who will read picture books to them. Recommended for ages 3-6. Visit
<cal1>Thursday/Jan. 8
<cal2>CASINO TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Charles Town, W.Va. Includes slots and simulcast horse racing; lunch on own. Cost: $8 for members, $10 for nonmembers, includes transportation and $5 cash back, subject to change. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
<cal1>Monday/Jan. 26
<cal2>MUSEUMS TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Washington, D.C., to visit the Smithsonian American Art/Portrait Gallery Museum or the Spy Museum. Lunch on own. Cost: $9 for members, $11 for nonmembers, includes transportation with free admission to the art museum; additional $15 admission at Spy Museum. Extensive walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
<cal1>Wednesday/Jan. 28
<cal2>CASINO TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Charles Town, W.Va. Includes slots and simulcast horse racing; lunch on own. Cost: $8 for members, $10 for nonmembers, includes transportation and $5 cash back, subject to change. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
<cal1>Friday/Jan. 30
<cal2>PINK FLOYD. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music presents a live performance of the Pink Floyd's "The Wall." Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Saturday/Jan. 31
<cal2>PINK FLOYD. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music presents a live performance of the Pink Floyd's "The Wall." Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Friday/Feb. 6
<cal2>LED ZEPPELIN. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music will play Led Zeppelin’s greatest hits. Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Saturday/Feb. 7
<cal2>LED ZEPPELIN. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music will play Led Zeppelin’s greatest hits. Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Thursday/Feb. 12
<cal2>THEATER TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Baltimore, Md., to Toby's Dinner Theatre for the production of "Sophisticated Ladies." Cost: $61 for members, $63 for nonmembers, includes transportation, show, buffet lunch and tip. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
CASINO TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Charles Town, W.Va. Includes slots and simulcast horse racing; lunch on own. Cost: $8 for members, $10 for nonmembers, includes transportation and $5 cash back, subject to change. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
<cal1>Saturday/Feb. 14
<cal2>THEATER TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Strasburg, to Wayside Theatre for the production of "Lies & Legends-The Musical Stories of Harry Chapin." Cost: $56 for members, $58 for nonmembers, includes transportation, show, buffet lunch at Hotel Strasburg and tip. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.
<cal1>Friday/Feb. 20
<cal2>‘80S HAIR METAL. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music presents the ‘80s Hair Metal Show, a tribute to Spandex, long hair, guitar shredding and power chords. Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Saturday/Feb. 21
<cal2>‘80S HAIR METAL. 7 p.m., Ned Devine’s Irish Village, 21800 Town Center Plaza, Sterling. The Paul Green School of Rock Music presents the ‘80s Hair Metal Show, a tribute to Spandex, long hair, guitar shredding and power chords. Cost: $10. Call 703-444-7873 or visit
<cal1>Wednesday/Feb. 25
<cal2>CASINO TRIP. The Senior Center at Cascades Marketplace, 21060 Whitfield Place, will take a trip to Charles Town, W.Va. Includes slots and simulcast horse racing; lunch on own. Cost: $8 for members, $10 for nonmembers, includes transportation and $5 cash back, subject to change. Minimum walking. Call 703-430-2397 for departure and return times and locations.