A young kiln god holds a few sculpting tools during an arts demonstration at Market Square on Friday.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Lisa Lettiri demonstrates pottery on the wheel.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Lisa Lettiri demonstrates pottery on the wheel.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Michele Hoben works on a painting in preparation of her upcoming solo show ‘Mending Fences.’ The show will be at the Art League Studio in the Torpedo Factory.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Mina Oka Hanig works on a small painting during the afternoon activities in the Torpedo Factory.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Lisa Schumaier’s Champagne Cork Chairs Workshop drew dozens of visitors and students throughout the day.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
A Champagne Cork Chair completed.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Cassie Summers and David Coffey with their completed chairs.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
David Norton works on the potters wheel making a set of drinking vessels.
The Torpedo Factory celebrates the art of creating during last weekend’s Art Festival.