Know of something missing from our community entertainment Calendar? Send it to The Arlington Connection, e-mail it to Deadline is 2 p.m. the Thursday before publication. Call Rebecca Halik at 703-917-6407 with any questions. Photos are welcome.
Art Listing:
The Arlington Artists Alliance “Fall Colors Art Show” will be at the Gallery at Convergence, 1801 N. Quaker Lane from Oct. 1 through Dec. 1. Free. Visit for more.
See an exhibition of fine art books from Oct. 2 through Oct. 29 at Lee Arts Center, 5722 Lee Highway. Free. Visit www.arlingtonarts./leearts.htm or 703-228-0560.
See “Uncommon Beauty” at the Ellipse Arts Center, 4350 Fairfax Drive. See photo and video based works that explore feminine beauty. Free. Visit or 703-228-7710.
See the Fall Solos 2008 from Oct. 7 through Nov. 29 at Arlington Arts Center, 3550 Wilson Blvd. Art by Katie Creyts, Lily Cox-Richard and more. Free. Visit or 703-248-6800.
Arlington artist Shirley Mulligan will display art at the VAS Gallery, 513 Maple Ave., Vienna, through Nov. 12. Free.
Other Items
The Columbia Pike Community Chorus is welcoming new and returning singers for their Dec. 14 presentation of “Messiah.” All are welcome; no auditions are required. Rehearsals are Mondays from 7-9 p.m. starting Oct. 6 at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2217 Columbia Pike. For more information, contact Barbara Stefan at 703-920-7077 or
There will be a Crystal Market and accompanying music series which begins 11:30 a.m. at 2200 Crystal Drive, Arlington. Crystal Market, sponsored by the Crystal City BID (CCBID), will run 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 25.
Customers at Dogma Dog Bakery in Arlington can “vote” by choosing dog treats named for their favorite presidential contender. A weekly tally of sales will be kept above the counter.
The Arlington Farmers’ Market takes place on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-noon year round. Located at the intersection of N. Courthouse Road and N. 14th Street. Visit for more on the market and vendors.
The Columbia Pike Farmers Market is located in Pike Park, corner of S. Walter Reed Drive and Columbia Pike. Open Sundays through November from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free.
Potomac Overlook Regional Park, 2845 Marcey Road, presents “Unlocking the Secrets of Our Living Planet: A Guided Hike at Potomac Overlook” at 2 p.m. on alternating Saturdays and Sundays. $3/person and reservations can be made at or 703-528-5406.
Weekly Farmers Markets at Ballston’s Welburn Square, between N. Stuart & N. Taylor Streets across from the Ballston Metro station. The markets will operate every Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Oct. 17, except for July 4. For directions and further information, visit or call 703-528-3527.
Connect with people and the great outdoors with “Meet Me on Sunday…at Potomac Overlook!” series. The event takes place on Sunday afternoons between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. at Potomac Overlook Regional Park located at 2845 N. Marcey Road, Arlington. For more information, contact Potomac Overlook Regional Park at 703-528-5406 or potomac@nvrpa.prg.
Wednesday/Oct. 1
Book Launching. 6 p.m. at Barnes and Noble Clarendon, 2800 Clarendon Blvd. Michael Sullivan will debut his novel “The Crown Conspiracy.” Free. 703-248-8244.
Adult Bird Walk. 8:30-11 a.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Search for migratory birds. Free. 703-228-6535.
Arlington Farmer. 3 p.m. at Fort C.F. Smith Park, 2411 N. 24th St. Children ages 7-11 can learn how crops were harvested and equipment used. $5/child. Registration required, 703-243-4342.
It Came from the Sky! 3:30 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Children ages 6-10 can learn about meteors. Free. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Wild Ones: Antlers and Horns. 3:30 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Children ages 6-10 can learn about the headgear these animals wore. $3/person. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
Stars of Fall. 7 p.m. at Fort C.F. Smith Park, 2411 N. 24th St. Families with children ages 7 and up can star gaze on a clear night. $2/person. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
Thursday/Oct. 2
Music Production Class. 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Teens can learn about the process of making music. Free. 703-228-7783.
Opening Reception. 5:30-9 p.m. at the Ellipse Arts Center, 4350 Fairfax Drive. See photo and video based works that explore feminine beauty. Free. Visit or 703-228-7710.
Reader’s Theater. 4 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Children will put on “The Elephant’s Child.” Free. 703-228-7680.
Banned Book Movie Screening. 6:30 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Watch “The Witches.” Free. Open to middle and high school students. 703-228-5946.
Friday/Oct. 3
Hispanic Heritage Story Time. 10 a.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Listen to Hispanic-themed books, songs and fingerplays. Free. 703-228-5946.
All Aboard! Miniature Trains. 1 p.m. at Aurora Hills, 735 S. 18th St. Fred Gatchell will talk about miniature railroading as a hobby. Free. Registration required, 703-228-5722.
Theater Performance. See “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” at 8 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
Saturday/Oct. 4
Dance Performance. 8 p.m. at Rachel M. Schlessinger Concert Hall, 3001 N. Beauregard St. See the premier of Arlington-based Bowen McCauley Dance company’s “O’Inner Voice with the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra. Tickets range from $36-$60.
Teen Activity Fair. 6-10 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Free. Discover after-school programs, classes and more. 703-228-4711.
Superstar Family Fun Day, Outdoor activities, snacks, and family fun including a Mason Mile Fun Run for kids. 9 a.m. to noon at Key Elementary School, 2300 Key Blvd. Free. 703-888-0777.
Garage Sale. 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at I-66 and North Quincy Street. Hosted by Civitan. Free. 202-646-4507.
Family Fun Day & Walk. 9 a.m. at Key School, 2300 Key Blvd. Enjoy outdoor activities, a run/walk for everyone and more. Donations encouraged. Free. 703-888-0777.
Music Performance. 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. The Arlington Philharmonic will perform. Free. 703-228-6321.
Hanssen Spy Tour. 10:30 a.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Adults can take the tour and learn the story of Robert Hanssen. $4/person. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Hawks and Falcons. 1 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. All ages can learn about these birds. Free. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Pioneer Day Festival. 1-5 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Try some old-time games, crafts, music, dancing and more. $5/person (max $20/family.) 703-228-3403.
Hispanic Heritage Workshop. 2 p.m. at Columbia Pike Library, 816 S. Walter Reed Drive. Learn how to make Latin flavored side dishes. Free. 703-228-6417.
Films in the Forest. Adults and teens age 15 and up can watch a nature video under the trees and stars 7 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Free. 703-228-6535.
Theater Performance. See “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” at 8 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
Sunday/Oct. 5
Dance Performance. 3 p.m. at Rachel M. Schlessinger Concert Hall, 3001 N. Beauregard St. See the premier of Arlington-based Bowen McCauley Dance company’s “O’Inner Voice with the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra. Tickets range from $25-$70.
Billy Goat Trail Outing. 9 a.m.-noon. Adults and children ages 8 and up can walk along the trail. $5/person. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Fall Flowers Hike. 2-4 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Adults and teens can go on a hike to explore wildflowers. $3/person. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
Monday/Oct. 6
Drop-in Story Time. 4 p.m. at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. All ages can listen to stories. Free. 703-228-0322.
Music Production Class. 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Teens can learn about the process of making music. Free. 703-228-7783.
Sondheim Performance. 8 p.m. at Schlesinger Concert Hall, 3001 N. Beauregard St. Hear “Anyone Can Whistle.” $40-$150/person. Visit or 571-527-1860.
Poetry. 11 a.m. at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive. Lesley Lee Francis, granddaughter of Robert Frost, will speak about him and his work. Free. 703-228-4403.
Read-To-Me. 6:30 p.m. at Columbia Pike Library, 816 S. Walter Reed Drive. Hispanic-themed stories will be read. Free. 703-228-5710.
Book Discussion. 7 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Discuss “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Free. 703-228-5989.
Tuesday/Oct 7
Theater. 7 p.m. at the Rosslyn Spectrum Theater, 1611 N Kent St. See “Voices of Spain and America,” the grand opening of Teatro de la Luna’s International Festival of Hispanic Theater. Contact 703-548-3092 or for tickets and information.
Voices of Spain. 7 p.m. at Rosslyn Spectrum, 1611 N. Kent St. Beatrix Massons and Taco Larreta will perform. Call 703-548-2092 for ticket information.
Opening Ceremony. 7:30 p.m. at Gunston Arts Center Theater Two, 2700 S. Lang St. Opening Ceremony for Annual Festival de Teatro Hispano. Call 703-548-2092.
High School TAB Book Discussion. 5 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Teens can share their favorite or not-so favorite books. Free. 703-228-5946.
Environmental Superstar: Rachel Carson. 7:30 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 308 N. Military Road. Adults can view “American Experience: Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring” and then discuss it. $5/person. 703-228-3403.
Wednesday/Oct. 8
Gemstone Club: Opal. 2:30 p.m. or 4 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Children ages 7-11 can learn about these stones and take home one. $5/person. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
National Squirrel Awareness Week. 3:30 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Ages 5 and up can learn about these creatures. Free. 703-228-6535.
Storytelling. 4-5 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Children will hear and then learn how to draw stories. Free. 703-228-7692.
Book Discussion. 7 p.m. at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. Tom Gjelten will discuss his book “Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba.” Free. 703-228-0322.
Thursday/Oct. 9
Music Production Class. 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Teens can learn about the process of making music. Free. 703-228-7783.
Theater performance. 8 p.m. at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington. See “Huggings,” a Peruvian play that is part of the 11th Internation Festival of Hispanic Theater. Contact 703-548-3092 or for tickets and information.
Music Performance. Noon-1 p.m. at Ellipse Arts Center, 4350 N. Fairfax Drive. Enjoy a variety of different songs. Free. Visit or 703-228-7710.
Friday/Oct. 10
Music Performance. Freezepop will perform at Anime USA at Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway. $35/person. Visit for more.
Theater performance. 8 p.m. at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington. See “Huggings,” a Peruvian play that is part of the 11th Internation Festival of Hispanic Theater. Contact 703-548-3092 or for tickets and information.
Saturday/Oct. 11
Central Arlington History Tour. Meet 9 a.m. at Clarendon Metro Station. Walk 1-12 miles visiting parks, sites and more. Bring lunch and water; many stops. $2/non-member. 703-243-0179.
Dance Performance. 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. The National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW, Washington DC. See Arlington-based Bowen McCauley Dance company perform “Pas de Dirt” with the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange. Free.
Recycling Event. 8:30 a.m-3 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 125 S. Old Glebe Road. Dispose of household hazardous materials, or recycle bikes, equipment, shoes and more. Visit for more.
Theater performance. 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington. See “Huggings,” a Peruvian play that is part of the 11th Internation Festival of Hispanic Theater. Contact 703-548-3092 or for tickets and information.
Hispanic Heritage. 3-8 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Gymnasium, 3501 S. 2nd St. Free. 703-228-4727.
Fetch! Science Club. 10 a.m.-noon at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. Students can learn about science, win prizes and more. Free. 703-228-0321.
Dogtober Day. 1 p.m. at Lacey Woods Park, 1200 N. George Mason Drive. All ages can enter their dog in a dog show. Registration required to enter, 703-525-0168. Free to watch.
World Habitat Day. 3 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Families with children ages 5 and up can learn about different habitats and animals that live in them. Free. 703-228-6535.
Creepy Crawlies Campfire. 7 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Families can enjoy campfire activities, guests, food and more. $3/person. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Sunday/Oct. 12
Scott’s Run Outing. 9 a.m. at the nature preserve. Ages 8 and up can enjoy a woodland hike. $5/person. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Author Reading. 3 p.m. at Shirlington Library. Louella Bryant will discuss “While in Darkness There is Light.” Free. 703-228-0322.
Nature for Dummies: Top Ten Reptiles. 3 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Adults can learn about the history of reptiles. Free. 703-228-3403.
Monday/Oct. 13
Drop-in Story Time. 4 p.m. at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. All ages can listen to stories. Free. 703-228-0322.
Music Production Class. 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Teens can learn about the process of making music. Free. 703-228-7783.
Tuesday/Oct. 14
Hawk Watch. 7 a.m.- 5p.m. at Lubber Run Center, 300 N. Park Drive. Adults can hawk migration. $25/person. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Book Discussion. 1:30 p.m. at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive. Discuss “Triangle: The Fire that Changed America” by David Von Drehle. Free. 703-228-7762.
Teens Write. 4:30 p.m. at Cherrydale Library, N. Military Road. Bring copies of a piece of work. Free. 703-228-5946.
Author Talk. 7 p.m. at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. Anne Lewin will discuss “Powerful Children.” Free. 703-228-0322.
Wednesday/Oct. 15
Poesis. 7-9 p.m. at Pentagon City Borders, 1201 S. Hayes St. Features Judith Harris and J.D. Smith. Free. 703-418-0166.
Raccoons and Ripe Corn. 10:30 a.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Children ages 3-5 can look at these animals. $3/child. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
Civil War Discovery: Build a Fort. 3 p.m. at Fort CF Smith Park, 2411 N. 24th St. Children ages 7-11 can learn why fortifications were important and then build one. $5/child. Registration required, 703-243-4342.
Wild Ones: World Rainforest Day. 3:30 p.m. at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Road. Children ages 6-10 can learn about rainforests. $2/child. Registration required, 703-228-6535.
Graduate Gemologists. 4 p.m. at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N. Military Road. Children ages 8-12 can learn about tourmaline and take one home. $5/child. Registration required, 703-228-3403.
Crafts for Kids. 4 p.m. at Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Elementary-aged children can make wacky bookmarks to take home. Free. Registration required, 703-228-5946.
Movie Watch. 7 p.m. at Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Ave. Watch “Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections.” Free. 703-228-0322.
Thursday/Oct. 16
Music Production Class. 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Teens can learn about the process of making music. Free. 703-228-7783.
Theater performance. 8 p.m. at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington. See “I Come From There,” a Dominican play that is part of the 11th Internation Festival of Hispanic Theater. Contact 703-548-3092 or for tickets and information.