To have health news listed in Centre View, mail to 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102, e-mail to or fax to 703-917-0991. Photos, especially color, are encouraged. Deadline is one week before publication. Call Steve Hibbard at 703-917-6434 with any questions.
The Fair Oaks Parkinson Foundation Support Group meets monthly on the fourth Saturday, from 10 a.m. -12 p.m. at Sunrise at Fair Oaks, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. The Parkinson Foundation welcomes PD patients and family members. Free. Support Group leader is Bill Robbins 703-830-3823. Go to
The Fairfax Area Agency on Aging is in immediate need for volunteers to assist older adults and adults with disabilities. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks including friendly visits, delivering meals, transportation to medical appointments, grocery store and to provide assistance with light household tasks. Volunteers are matched according to location and interest. Hours are flexible with no minimum weekly time commitment and mileage reimbursement is available. If interested, call the Volunteer Intake Line at 703-324-5406, TTY 703-449-1186 or email
The Centreville chapter of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Club meets Thursday evenings at the Centreville Presbyterian Church, 15040 Lee Highway, room 201 and 204. At $26 per year, this is an affordable, supportive program for weight loss and weight maintenance. Weigh-in is from 6:15-7 p.m., with the meeting starting at 7:10 p.m. For more information, call Gail at 703-591-8478 or visit
Ongoing Epilepsy Support Groups. The Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region sponsors the following Support Groups for Adults diagnosed with Seizure Disorders and Caregivers. Free. Call 703-425-6660.
* Reston Epilepsy Group meets the second and fourth Friday of each month from 7-8:30 p.m. at Herndon High School, entrance 5, room 123,700 Bennett St., Herndon.
* Northern Virginia Epilepsy Group meets every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. at Falls Church High School, Room 100, 7521 Jaguar Trail, Falls Church.
The Inova Blood Donor Center in the Centremed I Building on Route 29 in Centreville (across from the Centreville Multiplex Cinemas) is still in urgent need of blood donations — especially O positive or negative, as well as A and B. Donations are accepted Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, noon-8 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
To make an appointment to give blood, call 703-322-1970, or just drop when convenient. According to the Inova Health System, it only takes an hour to donate blood, and each donation can save the lives of three people.
Local abused and neglected children need foster parents. Help is needed in both full-time and short-term programs. Training, support and financial compensation is provided. Explore the possibilities of putting the pieces back together in a child's life. African-American parents are needed particularly. Orientations are taking place in the area. Contact Sabrena McAllister with Northern Virginia Family Service at 703-533-2594. For more information about Northern Virginia Family Service, call 703-533-9727 or
The National Capital Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society offers free self-help groups in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., for people living with MS. For locations and times, contact the chapter at 202-296-9891.
An Eating Disorders Support Group for family and friends takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m., in Centreville High School's faculty dining room. Free. The group deals with coping with stress and shares experiences and focus topics. Call Beryl Dandridge at 703-904-1876 or Maggie Cissel at 703-335-6324 for directions.
Birth Mother's Support Group: This group meets weekly in Northern Virginia. It is for any woman who has ever placed a child in adoption and would like to meet with others who have done the same. The group is led by a licensed clinical social worker and a national certified counselor. Call Pat Cunningham or Stephanie Hayden at Catholic Charities at 703-425-0100. There will be a modest fee based upon income.
Amputee Support Group of Northern Virginia is a support group for amputees and their families and friends. Meetings take place the first Tuesday of every month, 7:30-9 p.m., at INOVA Fairfax Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation Gym Area, Women and Children's Center, First Floor, 3300 Gallows Road, Falls Church. There is no cost to participants and parking is provided free in the garage for cars displaying handicapped placards or license plates. Contact Irvin Axelrod at 703-222-7120 or e-mail
Persons 50 or over looking for permanent work in Northern Virginia are invited to seek help from Senior Employment Resources. Since 1983, SER has placed more than 7,700 seniors in area jobs, and many employers need their skills and experience. SER provides job counseling, resume review and fast referral to companies offering immediate employment. To schedule an interview with a job counselor, call SER Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at 703-750-1936.
CrisisLink helps people deal with anxiety, stress and crisis throughout the Washington, D.C. area. With a 24-hours-a day, seven-days-a-week crisis hotline and crisis response team, CrisisLink has been helping people for 35 years. Call 703-527-4077 or 1-800-784-2433, or learn more about CrisisLink's confidential, free hotline and crisis response services on the Web at
The United States Senate Productivity and Quality Award (SPQA) Board of Directors honors Inova Fair Oaks Hospital as a 2005 recipient of the Progress in Performance Excellence award. The hospital is one of nine organizations in Virginia to receive this award. SPQA award recipients demonstrate sound approaches to leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, human resource focus, process management and organizational results.
Alzheimer's Family Day Center will offer a six-part series of free classes this summer for people who are caring for a relative or friend with dementia.
All classes will be held on Tuesday afternoons at the Alzheimer's Family Day Center, 2812 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Respite care is available for family members, free of charge. Reservations are required. Call Anna Ellis at 703-204-4664 to register or visit
A Parkinson's Disease Support Group meets monthly on the fourth Saturday of the month at Sully Senior Center, 5690 Sully Road (Route 28), Centreville. No charge. Patients and family members welcome. Call Darryl Edwards at 703-378-9213.
A Parkinson's Disease Support Group meeting is held on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. until noon of every month for Parkinson's patients, their caregivers and friends. This meeting will inform attendees of new advances in the treatment of this disease, what is going on in the local Parkinson's community, upcoming events and interactive conversation from all present. Attendance is free. The location is the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. Call 703-830-3823, or email
The Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region is sponsoring support groups and classes for adults diagnosed with seizure disorders and caregivers plus one for parents of children with seizure disorders. Free of charge. Call 703-425-6660.
A Support Group Meeting for those diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, their Caregivers or Friends. Meets on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax (adjacent to Fair Oaks Oaks INOVA Hospital). Call 703-830-3823.
The Sully/Western Fairfax Parkinson's Disease (PD) Support Group meets on the fourth Saturday of each month,from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Fair Oaks Sunrise Assisted Living Facilty, located on Joseph Siewicki Drive (adjacent to Fair Oaks INIVA Hospital). All Parkinson patients, their Caregivers, and friends are invited to this free meeting. This is an excellent forum for learning more about this disease, including the latest treatments, and news regarding local PD events. Call 703-830-3823, or email:
CPR is being offered at the Centreville Volunteer Fire Department on Old Centreville Road. It is offered on the fourth Saturday every month. The course includes the Heimlich Maneuver for choking and CPR techniques for infants, children and adults. This course is not for those who need the Healthcare Provider level. A donation of $25 is requested. Call 703-830-1479 and leave name and phone number in the CPR mailbox.
An Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group meets the third Monday of the month, 10-11:30 a.m., at Manor Care of Fair Oaks, 12475 Lee Jackson Highway. Facilitated by trained group leaders, it is ongoing, free and open to the community. Caregivers and family members are invited to visit. Call Anita Newsome, group leader, at 703-352-7172 before attending for the first time.