Sheriff Awards Employees

Sheriff Awards Employees


Sheriff Dana Lawhorne and Commonwealth’s Attorney Bryan Porter congratulate Captain Mike Eller (left) on his recent promotion.

The Alexandria Sheriff’s Office held its annual Employee Awards and Promotion Recognition Ceremony at the Office’s headquarters on Mill Road on March 25. Commonwealth’s Attorney Bryan Porter was the guest speaker and applauded the work of the Sheriff’s Office staff before joining Sheriff Dana Lawhorne to present the following awards:

  • Best Idea – Sergeant Joseph Pankey

  • Community Service – Deputy Andrea Diaz

  • Esprit de Corps – Deputy Valarie Wright

  • Uniform and Physical Fitness – Deputy Deon Eaddy

  • Lifesaving – Sergeant Rawle Kelly and Deputy Nora Jones, Deputy Keith Crane and Deputy Linda Hentman, and Deputy Charles Poarch

  • Outstanding Performance

By sworn line staff – Deputy Brian Mauck

By sworn supervisor – Sergeant Michael Neebe

By civilian line staff – Angel French

By civilian supervisor – Commander Mondre’ Kornegay

  • Unit Spirit Award – Team 1B

  • Contributions by an Employee of a City Agency, Organization or Contractor – Kevin Jones, Department of General Services

Following the awards, several employees were recognized for their recent promotions: Captain Michael Eller, Lieutenant Melissa Josiah, Sergeant Craig Davie, Deputy IV Norman Thompson, Deputy III George Burnham, Deputy III Wakeatin Carter, Deputy III Alicia Green, Deputy III Blake Harper, Deputy III Jeffrey Hines, Deputy II Devon Neckles, Deputy II Terence Nevins, Deputy II Charlie Winstead, Angel French and Latoscha Pierce.

The following employees of the quarter were also acknowledged for their excellent performances during 2013:

  • 1st Quarter - Allison Gerst

  • 2nd Quarter - Deputy Amy Clinton (posthumously) and Deputy Roy Hopson

  • 3rd Quarter - Brenda Gray

  • 4th Quarter - Deputy Andrea Diaz.

The following deputies were recognized as pistol masters for receiving an average score of 99 percent or better in the Office’s annual firearms qualification: Chief Deputy Clarke Stearns, Captain Douglas Schuler, Lieutenant Douglas Woehlke, Sergeant Michael Neebe, Deputy Ernesto Arroyo, Deputy Keith Crane, Deputy David Hoffmaster and Deputy Timothy Honig.