Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Reisdents

Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Reisdents

STACY PATTERSON, Fairfax County Public Information Officer. Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA).

Patterson stated that her agency does not have studies available that analyze the market for affordable independent rental housing for seniors in the Mount Vernon area.

However, she did provide the following information: “In 2003 the FCRHA opened Gum Springs Glen, a 60-unit affordable independent living property. Last year the FCRHA provided a $3.9 million loan to a private developer for the acquisition, preservation, and rehabilitation of Mount Vernon House, a 130-unit affordable senior rental property. In addition to these properties, there are privately-owned senior housing properties in the Mount Vernon area. An example is Paul Spring Senior Housing, and there may be others.”

ELIZABETH LARDNER, Chair, Fairfax County Rehabilitation and Housing Authority, and Mount Vernon Commissioner to the Authority.

Q. What would you say were the successes of 2013?

A. The opening of Mondlach Place, a partnership between New Hope Housing and Fairfax County. It accommodates 20 single adults in single family housing units. It also provides much needed housing and support for our Richmond Highway corridor neighbors. Furthermore, it also serves as a positive model of how a Residential Studio Unit (RSU) complex can be well integrated into the surrounding neighborhood.

Coan Pond celebrated its 20th year of operation in 2013. Located on the first floor of an office building, it provides efficiency units for 19 residents.

Q. Please comment on the challenges facing the affordable housing issue in 2014.

A. Change is coming rapidly to the Richmond Highway Corridor, the Huntington metro station area and Laurel Hill areas. Providing affordable housing to these and other communities will continue to be a challenge in 2014. For example, these questions are now before us: Where will the school bus drivers, hospital support staff, entry level teachers, and retail workers live? Where will our elderly neighbors go when leaving their large single family houses in Mount Vernon? A full and rich community needs to provide housing for all if the community is to remain economically vital and retain a high quality of life.