Burke resident and artist Kathleen Best Gillmann’s acrylic painting “Beach Houses at Lord’s Point (Journey Home, 3)” is an example of work from her upcoming exhibition “Vision at Water’s Edge” that opens at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria on July 6. Image courtesy of Kathleen Best Gillmann/The Art League
Kathleen Best Gillmann of Burke is set to open an exhibition of her paintings depicting coastal landscapes titled “Vision at Water’s Edge” beginning July 6 at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria.
Gillmann is also an associate artist with the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton.
The works in both acrylic and oil feature fresh- and saltwater shorelines from around the country. The artist’s series was inspired in particular by a trip to the north shore Lake Superior, as well as her being raised in southern Maine.
Gillmann’s exhibition will be on display at The Art League in Alexandria’s Torpedo Factory, studio 21, from July 6 until Aug. 7. She’s scheduled to host an opening reception and Meet the Artist event Thursday, July 14 from 6:30-8 p.m.
For more information, visit www.theartleague.org or call 703-683-1780. The Torpedo Factory is located at 105 North Union Street in Alexandria.