Arlington Snapshot: Helping the Homeless

Arlington Snapshot: Helping the Homeless


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Kathleen Sibert, president and CEO of Arlington Street People's Network (A-SPAN), presents Lora Rinker with a special award on the first year anniversary of the grand opening of the new Homeless Services Center (HSC) last October. Sibert explains that efforts to end homelessness in Arlington began 25 years ago when Rinker served meals from her front porch on N. Jackson Street in Arlington. Sibert said, "This has been her vision for the last 25 years. It began with a warm heart and much love." Rinker’s efforts have led to a full service year-round resource center that provides shelter, hygiene, mental health care, counseling and medical care. Sibert said, “Kasia Shaw is our nurse practitioner. Kasia, raise your hand.” Last season 129 people were treated for 343 medical visits. "This center is the first of its kind in the D.C. area. Our end goal is to move people from homelessness to a home." Last year A-SPAN helped 70 homeless people find a home.