Sully District Cub Scouts Hold Bicycle Rodeo

Sully District Cub Scouts Hold Bicycle Rodeo

Safety checks include that helmets properly fit.

Safety checks include that helmets properly fit.

— On a very hot Wednesday afternoon, the Cub Scouts of Sully District held their


Photo by Hondo Davids

Fairfax County Police Officers at the Sully District Bike Rodeo (from left) PFC Rich Lundquist, MPO Lincoln Kieffer, 2nd Lt. Andrew Wright, PFC Ramsy Saffoori, PFC Carrie Oliver, and MPO Rockie Arkhavan.

annual Bicycle Rodeo under the instruction and guidance of the Fairfax County Police Department.

The bicycle rodeo was held on the swimming pool parking lot of the Chantilly National Golf Course and Country Club through the assistance of Aleks Maksic, the club’s event coordinator. The club provided hot dogs and water for all of the riders.

More than 100 Cub Scouts, siblings, and parents attended. Linda Watkins of the INOVA Fairfax Hospital provided bicycle safety guidance and also provided a few of the riders with helmets. The police officers conducted a safety check on each


Photo by Hondo Davids

Cub Scouts and siblings on the course.

bike, conducted a group safety briefing for the riders, and then manned the several stations of the bicycle course. Joe Arevalo, the event coordinator for the Cub Scouts, said it was one of the best Bike Rodeo events ever held. He was assisted by Life Boy Scout Jack Garrison of Troop 1548. The Cub Scouts thanked the six police officers in attendance – 2nd Lt Andrew Wright, MPO Lincoln Kieffer, MPO Rockie Arkhavan, PFC Richard Lundquist, PFC Ramsy Saffoori, and PFC Carrie Oliver. All who participated said they looked forward to attending the event next year.