Sushi Zen chefs. Photo by Shirley Ruhe.
Rosie Gordon-Mochizuki and her husband, Shoji Mochizuki, are in the 12th lap of their 20-lap fundraising marathon. Since they are celebrating their 20th year of owning Sushi Zen on Harrison Street, they are sponsoring 20 fundraisers for non-profit organizations this year to give back to the community. Each organization receives a percent of the proceeds for the evening.
Their first fundraiser was held in June of 2017 for the Educational Theatre Company. The last fundraiser is scheduled for June 2018. Number 12 is the April 4 fundraiser for Doorways for Women and Families, created in 1978. Linley Beckbridge, communications director of Doorways, is sitting at the front door to greet visitors. She says Doorways provides services for families and youth experiencing homelessness as well as domestic violence. She added, "We have the only 24-hour hotline for domestic violence in Arlington and run two shelters as well for survivors."
Janet and Liana Stein are the first to arrive and order small bowls of udon soup, with tempura for Liana and California roll with fish roe platter for Janet. Behind the prep bar the sushi chefs prepare sweet potato rolls and unroll seaweed for spicy tuna rolls for the next customers flowing in to fill the tables.
Rosie Gordon-Mochizuki says, "During this effort I have met so amazing people and learned more about what each of the nonprofit organizations do. I am proud to be part of this community. Arlington is a very giving community."
April 18 is the next nonprofit fundraiser — for the Animal Welfare League.