Fairfax County announced that the Fairfax County Government Center, located at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, has a new flag disposal box located near the main information desk. Photo courtesy of Fairfax County Government
After taking down the American Flag following a Veterans Day display, or if flown year-round in service of tribute, take a second look at it. This year's heavy rains and winds may have taken a toll on Old Glory, tattering its edges and fading colors. Bob Thompson, 1st Commander of the Wayne M. Kidwell American Legion Post #184 Herndon/Reston, shared how to dispose of an unserviceable American Flag properly.
"What is recommended for folks seeking to destroy flags that are no longer serviceable is that they seek out an American Legion Post, VFW Post or their local Boy Scout Troops before doing anything themselves. Our Post, (the American Legion Wayne M.Kidwell Post #184 Herndon/Reston) has a collection box for folks to deposit non-usable flags, which we then burn at a ceremony prescribed by The American Legion. We also have had several Eagle Scout Projects that center around the proper disposal of flags… In all flag disposal ceremonies, all flags are given the proper respect they deserve and are carefully handled throughout the process," said Thompson.
Local collection drop boxes for used American Flags:
- All Fairfax County Police stations, including Reston District at 1801 Baron Glen Drive
- The Wayne M. Kidwell American Legion Post #184 meeting at the Herndon Moose Lodge at 779 Center Street has a flag drop box out front.
- Fairfax Government Center, located at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, has a new flag disposal box located near the main information desk.
- Flag disposal boxes are now located at the I-66 Transfer Station and I-95 Landfill Complex and are available during residential hours.