Sorority members stretched their muscles and their knowledge of native and invasive plants while prepping the park pollinator garden for the growing season
When vice-president and program committee chair Lynbea Toombs of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority’s Alpha Beta Alpha Omega chapter calls to say the sisters would like to volunteer, you can expect a large and enthusiastic group. As part of the sorority’s core mission “to be of service to all mankind,” the group volunteered for multiple environmental projects in April. They planted trees with Fairfax Relief at Burgundy Park in the Rose Hill area in recognition of Arbor Day. Then the following weekend, they arrived at Laurel Hill Park in Lorton, garden gloves at the ready, to weed and prepare the park’s native plant pollinator garden for the warm season. At Laurel Hill they removed last season’s dead stalks, and pulled a mass of invasive plants that had already made claim to the garden.
The local chapter serving Springfield and Lorton is associated with the international group founded on Howard University campus in 1908.