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Special Olympics Virginia Athlete Rose Pleskow of Reston gets a helping hand from her ropes master Chris as she starts her 20 foot practice rappel above the entrance to the Crystal City Hilton in Arlington on June 22. After completing the 20 foot rappel, she’ll go to the 12th floor, climb up a flight of stairs to the roof, and rappel 100 feet down the outside of the building.

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Tease photo

Over the Edge

Rappellers raise $60,000 for Special Olympics.

Rose Pleskow is not one to shy away from a challenge. The 23-year-old Reston resident competed in the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Athens, Greece, last summer, earned multiple medals in the 2012 Virginia Special Olympic Summer Games and recently competed in an 800-meter race in the waters around the Cayman Islands.


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