Marking 240th Anniversary Of Friendship Firehouse

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Marking 240th Anniversary Of Friendship Firehouse

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Alexandria Fire Captain S. Quintana shows Miles Collins some of the tools he carries in …

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Firefighter R. Rich helps children into the cab of the hook and ladder truck.

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Friendship Firehouse festival organizer Frank Kehoe talk with battalion chief Michael Sharpe at the block …

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A young superhero has his face painted by Queens at the ‘Paint Me Silly’ booth.

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Lt. S. Reyes and firefighter Lyons wait while Andre Toote and his son Andrew Jr. …

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Andy and Tristan Raycroft along with Roger Stevens offer information on the Rooftop Chimney Sweeps …

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The annual Friendship Firehouse festival and block party is held annually in the 100 block …

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Lt. D. Parker explains why this fire truck is call a hook and ladder truck. …


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