All results / Stories / Del. Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus II

Holiday season

Saving Our Planet

Saving Our Planet

Profiteering on Gun Violence

Profiteering on Gun Violence

Inalienable Rights

Virginian Thomas Jefferson was a young man when he penned the words expressed among political philosophers of the time that there were natural rights “endowed by their creator” that all persons possess. His phrase in the Declaration of Independence that preceded that assertion, “all men are created equal,” gained the most notice and debate even until today.

No Miracle in Virginia Student Test Scores

There was more than a week delay in announcing Virginia student test scores this year. Last week we learned why.

Column: Gun Violence Still With Us

Gun Violence

What Are Worthy Virginia History Standards?

What Are Worthy Virginia History Standards?

Steps to Succession

Steps to Succession

Column: Which Way Virginia?


Tease photo

Rewriting Virginia History (Again)

Rewriting Virginia History (Again)

Solar Powering Virginia

Solar power

Column: The Most Important Thing We Do


Column: Foregone Conclusion

Column by Plum

Election Year Shaping Up

Election Year Shaping Up

A Basic Foundation


Invest in Early Childhood Education

Early education

Column: Reform Not Revenge

It appears that in the House of Delegates the Republicans will have a 53 to 47 majority.


Tax Policy To Help Those Most in Need

Tax Policy To Help Those Most in Need

Footprints on the Sands of Time

Maybe it’s the contemplations of my impending retirement or maybe it is because of the richness of the life I have been privileged to live that I have become more aware of and more impressed by the women and men I meet in my community and in the political arena.

Column: Fox in the Chicken Coop

K Plum Column