All results / Stories / Kenneth%20B.%20Lourie

Steps to Succession

Steps to Succession

Column: Affordable Health Care

A friend of mine of moderate political persuasion said to me recently that while he felt that details of managing the federal Affordable Health Care Act were issues of governance that should continue to be debated and improved, he also felt that passage of the Act was a moral issue that should not be reversed.

Column: Not-So-Affordable Housing In Virginia

Affordable Housing

Opinion: Commentary: Electrification of Virginia Transportation

In 1998 I chaired a task force of business and community leaders to collectively document what Northern Virginia needed to do to be an “EV Ready Community.”

Opinion: Commentary: Waste Not, Want Not

As a child of frugal parents who grew up during the Great Depression, I was always taught as long as I did not waste food or material things that I would never be without.



About 70 percent of Virginians voted in the last two presidential elections when President Barack Obama carried the state as the first Democrat to do so since Lyndon Johnson won the Old Dominion. In the gubernatorial election in 2009 voter turnout was half that number with the expectation that voter participation in the election on Nov. 5 will also be light. While the presidential elections get a lot of attention and high participation, statewide elections do not attract as many voters. In many ways, voters who stay home are pushing off their responsibility in voting to a group of people unknown to them who do bother to vote. Such a situation can lead to a small group of highly motivated voters swinging the outcome of an election. Please encourage your family, co-workers and neighbors to participate as the consequences of the election are critically important to the future of the commonwealth, and we each need to take part in the decision.

Opinion: Commentary: Vote Yes on Amendment #1

In a campaign that promises “fair maps” by voting yes for Amendment #1 on the ballot this election cycle and the opposition that promises “fair districts” by voting no, there is little wonder that there would be confusion in the minds of voters.
