All results / Stories / Kenneth%20B.%20Lourie

A Place at the Table for Everyone Born

Some catchy phrases that led to success at the ballot box resulted in some terrible public policies.

Steps to Succession

Steps to Succession

Election Year Shaping Up

Election Year Shaping Up

Column: General Assembly Session Nears Adjournment

General Assembly

Legislative Crossover

Legislative Crossover

Apples, Oranges, and Cherries

Apples, Oranges, and Cherries

Learning from Others

Learning from Others

Column: Gun Violence Still With Us

Gun Violence

Column: Not-So-Affordable Housing In Virginia

Affordable Housing

Opinion: Commentary: Facial Recognition as a Legislative Issue

One of the side-effects of the global pandemic and the resulting quarantine has been the difficulty of recognizing others after months of not seeing each other in person.

Opinion: Commentary: Understanding the Law About Weed

During its Reconvened Session last week the General Assembly approved an amendment proposed by Governor Ralph Northam that decriminalizes the possession by adults of a small amount of marijuana effective July 1, 2021.

Opinion: Column: Hitting The Nail on the Head

What are all these "Toe Nail Clipper" emails I receive nearly every day?

Opinion: Column: Time Will Tell

Ordinarily, I'd be writing this column this weekend – after this week's events.

Opinion: Commentary: Waste Not, Want Not

As a child of frugal parents who grew up during the Great Depression, I was always taught as long as I did not waste food or material things that I would never be without.

Opinion: Commentary: Electrification of Virginia Transportation

In 1998 I chaired a task force of business and community leaders to collectively document what Northern Virginia needed to do to be an “EV Ready Community.”

Opinion: Commentary: Legalizing Pot

When settlers to the Virginia colony in the seventeenth century discovered that they would not be able to walk about and pick up gold as some had been led to believe, they had to look around to find a way to make the colony economically sustainable.

Opinion: Commentary: Vote Yes on Amendment #1

In a campaign that promises “fair maps” by voting yes for Amendment #1 on the ballot this election cycle and the opposition that promises “fair districts” by voting no, there is little wonder that there would be confusion in the minds of voters.

Opinion: Column: Night and Now Daze

That wasn't so bad. Approximately 29 hours in the hospital in a private room and all I had to do was drink as much water as possible and shower half a dozen times.
