All results / Stories / By Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?


Column: All’s Well That Ends Well

Not only did the 2013 session of the General Assembly end on time last Saturday, but it also ended on a high note. Having sat through a couple of decades of failed efforts to pass meaningful legislation addressing our transportation needs, I was not optimistic that we would be successful this year.

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

There are so many complexities and challenges in the world in which we live that it is important to take some time to reflect on the good things that are going on in our families, communities and the world for which we need to be thankful.

Speaker of the House

Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States provides that the House of Representatives is to choose a presiding officer to be known as the Speaker of the House. Such a position became necessary as the Founding Fathers looked for a way to have checks and balances among the branches of government since they had rejected a parliamentary form of government that would have had a prime minister serving as leader in both the executive and legislative branches at the same time.

A Slide Backward

A Slide Backward

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Behind the Dust Screen


A Threat to Our Democracy

A Threat to Our Democracy

All Aboard!

All Aboard!

Life and Struggles after Roe

Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

The history of our country has been one of ever-evolving rights and freedom to fulfill the promises contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Virginia and Its Regions

As a native Virginian growing up in the Valley region, I can still remember learning about the other geographic regions of the Commonwealth. While much of the emphasis on the differences among the regions was geographic and natural, the differences I have come to know are much broader and deeper than grade school students could grasp.

Election Outcomes Do Matter

The outcomes of the many party primaries from yesterday are not known as I write this column. Without any vote counts known to me, I can state with certainty that the Virginia General Assembly will not be the same. With retirements of many of the most senior members including myself and with challengers taking on many more incumbents than I can ever remember before, there will be a new cast of citizens running in the general election this November to become our citizen legislators.

A Place at the Table for Everyone Born

Some catchy phrases that led to success at the ballot box resulted in some terrible public policies.

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Human Rights Everywhere Every Day

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Last Sunday was Human Rights Day and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights advancing the promise to all of freedom, equality and justice.

Keeping a Republic

History records that at the end of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 Benjamin Franklin who was the senior member of the Convention was asked what kind of government the delegates who had sweltered through months of heat and compromises had produced. His oft-quoted response was “a republic if we can keep it.”

ife and Struggles after Roe

ife and Struggles after Roe

No Gambling Casino for Reston

Some news that is now nearly a year old got renewed attention recently causing many people in our community to become very concerned.

Learning from Others

Learning from Others

Needless Government Meddling

Needless Government Meddling

Hail to the Queen

Hail to the Queen
