All results / Stories / Kenneth%20R.%20%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDKen%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%20Plum,%20State%20Delegate%20(D-36)

Commentary: Thank You Governor Northam


Opinion: Commentary: General Assembly Agenda


Commentary: Some Good News

Opinion: Commentary: Return to Normalcy


Opinion: Commentary: A Dysfunctional House

Universal background checks has an approval rate among voters hovering around 90 percent.


Opinion: Commentary: A Green New Deal for Virginia


Commentary: Recognizing the Natives of Virginia

Commentary: Happy Thanksgiving 2018


Column: Kids Count

Officials at all levels of government need to demonstrate that we know how much kids count!

An index of key indicators in four domains measures what children need most in order to thrive: (1) economic well-being, (2) education, (3) health and (4) family and community.

Governor Proposes New Budget


In Virginia a governor can serve two terms, but the terms cannot be successive. All newly elected governors of Virginia take office at the beginning of a biennial budget cycle where the outgoing governor has proposed a budget for that cycle. Since the General Assembly is considering the budget when the new governor comes into office, the new governor can attempt to influence the legislature’s consideration of the budget.

Commentary: Dismantling Virginia’s Ability to Care for Our Citizens

Commentary: Virginia’s Energy Future

Opinion: Commentary: Virginia Voters Can Contribute to the State’s Progressive Future

The year 2020 has been filled with major ups and downs, but nowhere has the good news been clearer than in the Virginia legislature.

Opinion: Commentary: Electric Vehicles to be the Norm


Opinion: Commentary: Changing Face of Virginia

The results of the 2020 U.S. Census remind us that the world around us changes in more ways than we might consciously detect or understand.

Uncertain Future for School Reform

For more than a quarter century the Virginia School Boards Association has been sponsoring a summer program, the "Governor’s Conference on Education." Traditionally the governor has made an appearance as luncheon speaker, but the main program has been a series of small group presentations by teachers, administrators and others of successful practices they have used in their classrooms, schools, or public school systems.

Column: Crossover

Last week was "crossover" for the General Assembly- the time when each house of the legislature must complete consideration of bills introduced into its chamber.

Reston Column: Cyber Security


October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month as designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

A Mixed Bag: General Assembly Session 2017


The best way I can describe the 2017 session of the General Assembly is to call it a mixed bag.

Opinion: Commentary: A Personal Responsibility for Climate Change
