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Complimentary copy of Arlington County’s “55+ Program Guide,” by calling 703-228-4744. Detailed schedule of activities, programs and events at local senior centers and community centers with senior programming for adults 55+. Register with Office of Senior Adult Programs to receive copy every other month, $15 annual registration fee. For more information, call 703-228-4721.
Thursday/Dec. 11
Health Talk. Keeping aging skin healthy will be discussed 10:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Program presented by Margie Cockrill, R.N. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-5321.
Volunteer. Volunteer opportunities in Arlington public schools will be discussed with adults 55+, 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Guest speaker, Kim Durand, volunteer coordinator, APS. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-0955.
Woodcarvers. The Lee Woodcarvers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will meet 1 p.m., for a friendly, open workshop. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for more information, 703-228-0555.
Holiday Ornament Making. Parks naturalist Jennifer Soles will conduct a workshop on creating holiday ornaments and decorations inspired by nature and animals, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Space is limited; register early by calling 703-228-0955.
Friday/Dec. 12
Comedy. Aurora Hills Senior Center’s Comedy Club featuring video and audio selections of classic comedy shows, 10:30 a.m., 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Program conducted by comedy book author Mike Bloom. No fee; newcomers welcome Call to register, 703-228-5722.
Holiday Luncheon. Winter Holiday Luncheon for adults 55+, noon, Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Musical entertainment by Milton Nelson. Cost is $6; newcomers welcome. Register by Dec. 10 by calling 703-228-5722. Items appreciated for Doorways, a shelter for women and their families.
Computer Course. Cyberseniors/Cyberteens offers short computer courses for adults 55+ with the assistance of teenagers 10 a.m. at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Five four hours courses, $20 each for textbook. For more information, call 703-228-6425.
Walkers. The Botanic Gardens, D.C. are the destination of the Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, 10 a.m. Newcomers welcome; cost is $2. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Fast Walkers. The Fast Forwards, Aurora Hills Senior Center’s fast paced walking group will meet 9 a.m., 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5722.
Music Group. The music appreciation group at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, will meet 1 p.m., to discuss Austrian operetta composer, Franz Lehar. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-4403.
Saturday/Dec. 13
Exercise. Open Tai Chi practice for adults 55+, 9 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive. Free. No instructor onsite. For details, call 703-228-4403.
Holiday Trip. Gunston Hall, George Mason’s mansion, Mason Neck, Va., will welcome seniors to its Plantation Christmas and holiday buffet. Cost is $56. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Monday/Dec. 15
Holiday Concert. Free holiday concert by Encore Chorale, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, 4444 Arlington Boulevard. 301-261-5747 or e-mail Jeanne.Kelly@encorecreativity.org.
Tax Talk. Financial seminar for adults 55+ focusing on retirement income and tax-control strategies, 11 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee. For more information, call 703-228-5321.
Armchair Art. Final in a four part series of armchair viewing of exhibits at D.C. art galleries, 1 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. View and discuss, “Mary Cassatt, Friends and Family,” exhibit at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Cost is $5. Register, 703-228-5722.
Art Classes. Four two-hour oil painting classes for adults 55+ start 10 a.m. – noon, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Taught by Larry Isham; newcomers welcome. Cost is $24. For more information, call 703-228-0555.
Holiday Concert. The last in a series of free holiday concerts for adults 55+ will be held 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4403 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Features Christiana Drapkin Jazz Band. Newcomers welcome. Call early to register, 703-228-4403.
Shopping. Wal-Mart shopping marathon for adults 55+, Woodbridge. Chance to win $50 shopping spree. Cost is $12. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Exercise. Senior strength training exercise class followed by full fitness class and cardiovascular workout, 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Not for beginners. Cost is $56 for 16 sessions. Call for details, 703-228-4745.
Exercise Class. Seated exercise class for adults 55+, 9 a.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Cost is 3.50 per drop-in class taught by Linda Bell. For more information, call 703-228-0555.
Walkers. The Walter Reed Walkers, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., will walk in Gulf Branch Park, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $2.50; newcomers welcome. Register, 703-228-0955.
Ice Skating. Exclusive day and time for senior (adults 55+) ice skaters, 8-9:15 a.m., Kettler Capitals Iceplex, Ballston Mall, Arlington. Cost is $1 (includes skate rental). For details, call 703-228-4745.
Video Games. Nintendo Wii games and sports 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Drop-in for demonstration; free. Call for details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Mah Jongg for adults 55+, 10 a.m., American style, Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-5722.
Health Group. Weight loss support group , TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), will meet 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Call for details, 703-228-0555.
Language. English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults 55+, 11 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Taught by linguist, Dr. Merton Bland. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Scrabble games for adults 55+, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St. Practice to compete in N. VA Senior Olympics. For more information, call 703-228-5722.
Games. Chess for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. All levels of players welcome; no fee. For more information, 703-228-0555.
Tuesday/Dec. 16
Music Performance. The Encore Chorale, 130 member singing group of adults 55+, will perform on the Millennium Stage at The Kennedy Center, 6 p.m. Free. For more information, call 703-228-301-261-5747 or e-mail Jeanne.Kelly@encorecreativity.org.
Language. English/Spanish dialogue to improve vocabularies and social conversations, for adults 55+, 1 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Brain Puzzles. Introductory class to solving Sudoku puzzles for adults 55+, 1– 3 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Register early by calling, 703-228-0555. Space is limited. Free.
Weight Training. Adults 55+ can build muscle strength with free weights and weight machines, 7– 11 a.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Fitness instructor on site. Cost is $56 for 16 sessions. For more information, call 703-228-4745.
Walking. Indoor walking group for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Pickleball, similar to tennis with a short net, plastic paddles and balls, for adults 55+, 1– 3 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; instructor onsite. For more information, 703-228-0955.
Games. Volleyball for adults 55+, 1:30 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. All levels of players welcome. For more information, call 703-228-5321.
Holiday Concert. Free Holiday Concert by the multicultural singing group, Voices of Arlington, 10:30 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Drop-in; free parking. For more information, call 703-228-0955.
Card Games. Friendly Wild Card Poker games, for adults 55+, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Beginners welcome. For information, call 703-228-0555.
Games. Table tennis for adults 55+, 10 a.m. – noon, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-0555.
Club. Rubber Stamping Club for adults 55+ will meet 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Cost is $1; newcomers welcome. Call for more information, 703-228-0555.
Christmas Event. Christmas with Elvis, 1– 3 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Featuring Elvis impersonator, Randy Roe. Cost is $5. Register by Dec. 12 by calling 703-228-4403.
Talk. The importance of forgiveness will be discussed 11 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Guest speaker, senior adult specialist, Rachel Thompson. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-5321.
Wednesday/Dec. 17
Card Games. Duplicate bridge games for adults 55+, 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St. Cost is $4.50; newcomers welcome. For more information, call Anne Gress, 703-243-7714.
Walking. The Botanic Gardens, D.C., is the destination of the Walking Club of Arlington for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $3; newcomers welcome. Group leaves from Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, 703-228-4403.
Holiday Tea. Lee Senior Center is hosting a Holiday Tea for adults 55+, 1 p.m., 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Bring a plate of homemade cookies to share; musical entertainment with The Caroleers. Cost is $3. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Music Performance. Popular local musician and singer Fred Brooks will entertain seniors, 11 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-0955.
Thursday/Dec. 18
Trip. Christmas at Oatlands, Leesburg, Va., for adults 55+. Tour plus afternoon tea. Cost is $42. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Music Discussion. How music enriches lives will be discussed 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center. Guest speakers from Levine School of Music, Caryn Fraim and Tina Dove. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-0955.
Crafts. Craft workshop for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Make holiday banners; no experience needed. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Woodcarvers. The Lee Woodcarvers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will meet for an open workshop, 1– 3 p.m. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-0555.
Brain Puzzles. Cranium crunches for adults 55+, 11:15 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Senior adult specialist Nancy Connors presents puzzles and games to challenge the brain and enhance memory. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0555.
Health Talk. Keeping aging skin healthy will be discussed, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Q&A with Margie Cockrill, R.N.; free. Call to register, 703-228-0955.
Friday/Dec. 19
Music. George Mason Center for the Arts, Fairfax, will host seniors for a performance by the Vienna Boys Choir. Cost is $53. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Computer Class. Five four-hour computer courses for adults 55+ offered by Cyberseniors/Cybertenns program at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Cost is $20 each for textbooks. Call or drop-in, 10 a.m. – noon or call 703-228-6425.
Walkers. The Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will walk around the National Mall including the National Christmas tree, 10 a.m. Cost is $2; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Fast Walkers. Fast paced walking group, adults 55+, will meet at Aurora Hills Senior Center, 9 a.m., 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5722.
Book on Tape. Culpepper Garden Senior Center will host a listening session of Mary Higgins Clark’s suspenseful, “Silent Night,” 11 a.m., 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Played in two parts, break at noon. Free. Register by Dec. 15 by calling 703-228-4403.
Reservation Deadline. Reservations needed for New Year’s Eve day celebration for adults 55+, to be held Wed., Dec. 31, 2– 4 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Sixteen-piece swing band, refreshments. Cost is $15. Call to sign up, 703-228-0955 or any senior center.
Saturday/Dec. 20
Theater Performance. Seniors will attend a performance of “Legally Blonde” at The Kennedy Center. Cost is $93. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Monday/Dec. 22
Tour of Lights. Bus tour for adults 55+ of the Bull Run Festival of Lights plus all-you-can-eat buffet dinner at Golden Coral, Manassas. Cost is $26. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Crafters. The Yarn Crafters of Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., will meet 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., to knit and crochet items for Arlington charities. Patterns and yarn provided. Call to register, 703-228-5722.
Contest. Christmas cookie contest for adults 55+, 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.
Sing-Along. Christmas carol sing-along for seniors, 10:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Hot chocolate and holiday cookies; newcomers welcome. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Health Group. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), weight loss support group, will meet 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0555.
Language Class. ESL (English as a Second Language) classes for adults 55+, 10:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Taught by linguist, Dr. Merton Bland. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Scrabble games for adults 55+, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center. Friendly, fun, newcomers welcome. Free. Details, 703-228-5722.
Games. Nintendo Wii games for adults 55+ including bowling, baseball, tennis, golf, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Newcomers welcome, free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Card Games. Friendly poker games for adults 55+, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5722.
Brain Challenges. Mental challenges for adults 55+ using Nintendo Wii games, 1 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Free. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Chess. Chess for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Coaching available; newcomers welcome. Free. Details, 703-228-0555.
Card Games. Social bridge games for adults 55+, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center. Free; newcomers welcome. For information, call 703-241-0557.
Games. Mah Jongg games for adults 55+, American style, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Free; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5722.
Bingo. Bingo for adults 55+, 1 p.m., $2 per card, Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive. Details, 703-228-4403.
Walkers. The Walter Reed Walkers, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., will walk around the National Mall, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $2.50; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0955.
Health Group. Senior strength training classes for all major muscle groups, 9 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Comm. Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Cost is $3.50 per class (drop-in) or $56 for 16 sessions. For more information, call 703-228-4745.
Exercise. Full fitness exercise class for adults 55+, intermediate and advanced, 10 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Comm. Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Includes half hour cardiovascular workout. Cost is $3.50 per class (drop-in). Details, 703-228-4745.
Seated Exercise. Seated exercise classes for adults 55+, 9 a.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Taught by Linda Bell; drop-in; newcomers welcome. Cost is $3.50 per class. Details, 703-228-0555.
Tuesday/Dec. 23
Low Impact Exercise. fitness instructor Irena Woodruff conducts fun low impact aerobics and strength training class for adults 55+, 9:30 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Cost is $56 for 16 sessions. Call to register, 703-228-5722.
Exercise. Beginners full fitness exercise class for adults 55+ to enhance muscle tone, bone density and balance, 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Drop-in; newcomers welcome; $3.50 per class. Details, 703-228-0555.
Fitness Help. Certified fitness coaches available to assist adults 55+ with cardio exercise equipment, 7 a.m.-11 a.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Cost is $56 for 16 sessions. Details, 703-228-4745.
Walkers. The Langston Walkers, Langston-Brown Senior Center, will meet 9:30 a.m., for an indoor walk at the Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Volleyball for adults 55+, 1:30 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. All levels of players welcome. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Games. Pickleball for adults 55+, 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Beginners welcome; free. Details, 703-228-0955.
Table Games. Table tennis for adults 55+, 10 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Free; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.
Video Games. Wii Fit workshop for adults 55+ offered 1 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Combination of four Wii training modes including yoga, strength training, aerobics and balance games. Free. Space is limited. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Games. Wild Card Poker games for adults 55+, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Newcomers welcome; no fee. Details, 703-228-0555.
Language Session. English/Spanish dialogue sessions for adults 55+, 1 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Fun opportunity to improve vocabularies and social conversation. Free. Details, 703-228-5321.
Holiday Books. Learn about Christmas celebrations around the world through a collection of special books, 1 - 3 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Holiday music, refreshments. Free; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.
Wednesday/Dec. 24
Art Class. Oil painting classes for adults 55+ begin 10 a.m. – noon, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Some familiarity with a painting medium required. Cost is $24 for four two-hour sessions. Call to register, 703-228-0955.
Walking Club. The Walking Club of Arlington for adults 55+ will walk from the Lincoln Memorial to Georgetown, 9:30 a.m. Newcomers welcome; cost is $3. Group leaves from Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Dr., 703-228-4403.
Music Performance. Musicians Bill and Regina Barker will entertain seniors with holiday music, 2 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Free; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5722.
Friday/Dec. 26
Walkers. The Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will walk in Long Branch Park, 10 a.m. Cost is $2; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.
Reservation Deadline. Last minute reservations due for New Year’s Eve celebration for adults 55+ to be held Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2– 4 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Call to register, 703-228-4878 or 703-228-0955.
Sunday/Dec. 28
Trip. Seniors are off to Charles Town, W.Va for the Charles Town Races and Slots. Cost is $27. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.
Wednesday/Dec. 31
New Year’s Eve Celebration. Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs is sponsoring an afternoon New Year’s celebration, “Swing Into 2009,” from 2-4 p.m. at Walter Reed Senior Center. The event will feature the 16-piece, Swing Time Band. The cost is $15 Walter Reed is located at 2909 S. 16th St. Register at any senior center or by calling 703-228-4878.