Faith Notes are for announcements and events in the faith community, including special holiday services. Send to <a href=mailto:reston/> reston/</a> or call 703-917-6449. Deadline is Friday.
Oakbrook Church in Reston — across Reston Parkway from Home Depot — will begin distribution of non-perishable food at its new Food Pantry scheduled to open in early September. The church seeks donations of dried beans, rice, pasta and healthy cereals. To contribute, drop off the donation during office hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. If the doors are locked, leave donations under the front awning. No clothing can be received at this time. For more information, call 703-437-4900.
Join Shoreshim for Jewish Erev Rosh Hashanah Services on Monday, Sept. 29 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Reston. Shoreshim services are free and open to whoever would like to attend. Call Shoreshim at 703-923-3424 or e-mail for location. Babysitting will be provided for children who do not wish to attend the service.
Free English Classes are held at Washington Plaza Baptist Church, 1615 Washington Plaza West, on Lake Anne Plaza, Reston.
Join Shoreshim for Jewish Rosh Hashanah Services and a Childrens' Service on Tuesday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to noon in Reston. Shoreshim services are free and open to whoever would like to attend. Call Shoreshim at 703-923-3424 or e-mail for location.
Join Shoreshim for Jewish Erev Yom Kippur Services on Wednesday, Oct. 8 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Reston. Shoreshim services are free and open to whoever would like to attend. Call Shoreshim at 703-923-3424 or e-mail for location. Babysitting will be provided for children who do not wish to attend the service.
Join Shoreshim for Jewish Yom Kippur Services on Thursday, Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. to noon in Reston. Shoreshim services are free and open to whoever would like to attend. Call Shoreshim at 703-923-3424 or e-mail for location. Babysitting will be provided for children who do not wish to attend the service.
Every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m., St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 432 Van Buren St. in Herndon, offers a lunch-time Healing and Holy Communion service. This half-hour service is offered to all and allows people an opportunity to worship during the work week when they may be away from their regular church. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the Sacrament, and all who have not been baptized may receive a blessing at the Altar rail. Call the church Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at 703-437-3790 or visit
Knitters needed the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 432 Van Buren St., Herndon. The church's Shawl Ministry is offering free knitting instruction while providing shawls, blankets and other knitted items for people in need. No cost and yarn can be provided. E-mail or visit the Pastoral Care page at
Non-denominational Christian businessmen meet for prayer, Biblical discussion and fellowship every Friday at 7 a.m. at Anita’s, 1051 Elden St., Herndon and every Thursday at noon at 555 Grove St, Ste. 200, Herndon. Call 703-795-1257.
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 432 Van Buren St., Herndon, will hold its annual "Welcome Home Sunday" festivities on Sunday, Sept. 14. Services will be at the usual times of 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., with coffee hours after each service in the church’s Henry Hall. Call 703-437-3790 or visit
The Congregation Beth Emeth Hazak Chapter, 12523 Lawyers Road, Herndon, hosts prominent speakers and entertainers on the third Tuesday of each month, Sept.-June at 1 p.m. There is no cost and light refreshments are served. Call 703-860-4515, ext. 127. The guest list is as follows:
Sept. 16: Paul Forbes, Biblical Archaeology
Oct. 28: Sheri David, Donkeys and Elephants
Nov. 18: Rabbi Steve, Jewish Medical Ethics
Dec. 16: Laura Shulman, Religious Diversity in the US
Jan. 27: Rabbi Leonard Cahan, Jewish Marriage Customs
Feb. 17: Rabbi David Kalendar, The Jews of Uganda
March 17: Dr. Louis Blumen, Jewish Medieval Medicine
April 21: Steven Gross, The Holocaust in Hungary
May 19: Speaker from Embassy of Israel
June 16: Year-end Luncheon
The Temple of Healing Waters will be hosting its 3rd annual "Parc Parti" on Saturday, Sept. 13, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The patry will take place at Lake Fairfax Park, 1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston. Enjoy food, games, fellowship and the "Phat Belly Contest." School supplies will be distributed to all children in attendance. Free and open to the public. Visit