Send announcements or events, which are open to the public at no or minimal cost, to The Loudoun Connection, 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102 or e-mail <a href=""></a>. Deadline is Friday, two weeks before the event. Photos/artwork encouraged. For more information, call 703-917-6454.
The Catholic Diocese of Arlington is offering the USDA Special Milk Program at St. Theresa School, 21370 St. Theresa Lane, Ashburn. The program provides milk to eligible children in schools and child-care institutions who do not participate in other federal meal service programs.
The Loudoun County Department of Building and Development has launched an awards program to identify and recognize development projects in Loudoun County for their efforts to preserve the county's natural resources through erosion and sediment control.
The program encourages nominations from individuals, industry representatives and county staff to identify those projects that have demonstrated sensitivity to environmental protection issues and continued attention to these issues throughout the duration of construction.
The award categories are single-family residential; single-family residential community; multi-family residential community; commercial/recreational/public projects; linear or atypical projects and tree preservation.
More information, including a link to the online nomination form, can be found at or by calling the Department of Building & Development, 703-777-0397.
The 2008/09 Loudoun Farms Product Guide is available. This guide helps consumers find local farm products and services throughout the growing season. Among the goods included are eggs, meats, flowers and plants, fruits and vegetables, wool products, soaps, herbs and grains. Visit or to request a copy of the Product Guide call Loudoun County Department of Economic Development at 703-777-0426 or e-mail
The Loudoun Convention & Visitors Association has launched their redesigned and revamped consumer Web site, The Web site is more user-friendly, easier to navigate and includes many features. In addition to new sections on Food & Wine, Heritage and Gatherings, 36 videos and three color online guides, users are able to create their own visit around Loudoun and map it with Google maps.