Troop 987 Eagle Service Project

Troop 987 Eagle Service Project

Sam Rohrer and Troop 987 at the AA Gorge stairway in Great Falls National Park.

Sam Rohrer and Troop 987 at the AA Gorge stairway in Great Falls National Park. Photo Contributed

Sam Rohrer of Troop 987 in Vienna completed his Eagle Service Project at Great Falls National Park. Sam led a group of 40 scouts in rebuilding and stabilizing a severely eroded stairway leading down to the AA Gorge at the Park. The project required replacement and resetting of timbers, leveling the ground at each step, and placement of trailmix and gravel on each step bed to strengthen the step and prevent rain water from pooling. The completed stairway provides a sustainable and safe path for hikers and kayakers to access the Potomac River Rapids in Great Falls National Park.