Capt. Gavin White (U.S. Army) and his assistance dog Stuart address the crowd at the Canine Companions for Independence DogFest Walk ‘n Roll on Sept. 12 in Arlington. Also pictured (from left) are 2015 Miss Maryland USA Amber Schroen; Honorary Event Chair Dr. Katy Nelson of “The Pet Show with Dr. Katy;” Canine Companions Northeast Region Executive Director Debra Dougherty; and DogFest Co-Chair Laura Clark. Photo Contributed
Man’s Best Friend took center stage Saturday, Sept. 12, at the annual Canine Companions for Independence DogFest Walk ‘n Roll at Pentagon Row in Arlington. Despite the rain, hundreds enjoyed pet friendly family activities, including, food, raffles, games, costume contest and canine agility course. The event was a fundraiser sponsored by the Canine Companions for Independence Capital Volunteer Chapter.
Canine Companions Wounded Veterans Initiative Graduate Captain Gavin White, U.S. Army, and his assistance dog Stuart were special guests of honor. White was severely wounded in combat in Afghanistan on Aug. 24, 2013.
Canine Companions for Independence is celebrating its 40th anniversary of providing trained assistance dogs to children, adults and veterans with disabilities. Established in 1975, Canine Companions has six training centers across the country and has placed nearly 5,000 assistance dogs. Visit