Huckle Cat with Marty Johnson and Edie Wingate from Friends of the Library along with 3-year-old Domini Whitney at last year’s Potomac Day celebration. Photo by Deb Stevens.
Members of the Potomac business community make up the Potomac Chamber of Commerce. There they have an opportunity to meet other local business men and women to network and socialize.
The chamber organizes the annual Potomac Day celebration which includes a parade, children’s festival, business fair, petting zoo and car show. Potomac Day will be held Oct. 21 this year, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the annual celebration.
Potomac still has the feel of a small town according to Jennifer Matheson, director of operations for the Potomac Chamber.
“There is a solid foundation in Potomac,” she said. “It’s nice to be able to go into a little town and know it.”
Nothing much changes, she said, adding that recently Starbucks expanded and that a new coffee shop is opening soon.
Complaints from residents are few, as are problems other than parking in the shopping centers at the intersection of River and Falls roads.
“Parking is always going to be an issue,” she said. “Dead deer are always a problem and I get complaints about the man who panhandles on the corner.”
Still it’s nice to have a community with so few problems, she said. “Everything is so fast paced in this world,” she said. “You feel good here.”