Roadwork closed off parking spaces at Cabin John Trail leaving cars to squeeze in. Photo by Sue Keil
When Sue Keil of Potomac noticed signs along Bradley Boulevard blocking parking to the entrance to the Cabin John Trail last week she went to the top of county government to find out why.
“Hundreds of people use that trail every day for walking or running,” Keil said. “All the [parking] spots were taken up by WSSC.”
There were “no parking” signs placed by WSSC but, Keil said, there was no explanation of why they were there. The signs read that the closing was effective from July 17 through Aug. 17.
So Keil called the Montgomery County 311 Information Line.
From there she was put in contact with Mark Lawler of the Maryland State Highway Utility Division.
Bradley Boulevard is a state route, MD 191, which runs from Potomac to Chevy Chase.
Lawler told Keil he would look into the situation and soon there were some parking spaces reopened.
“They finally took away some of the signs,” Keil said. “I was just happy after calling 311 and talking to [Lawler].”
Luis Maya of WSSC office of communications said the signs were in place because a contractor was going to repave that section of Bradley Boulevard and needed the spaces for equipment storage.
“Because we dug it up, we have to repave [the road],” he said.
The scheduled allows for a two-week window for getting the work done and Maya said he expects the work to actually begin within the next week.
He also expects there will be partial road closures as the work is in progress.