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All results / Stories / John Lovaas

Opinion: Independent Progressive: Highlights and Lows in Reston’s First Half of 2020 Covid

Here we are in July, half way through 2020. Is it my imagination or have these six months been longer than most years?

Opinion: Who is Running to Represent You in Congress?

If you only get your news from the TV and the big city newspapers that still exist, you might think that we are electing only the president of the U.S. and a U.S. senator from Virginia on Nov. 6, just 47 days from now. In fact, we’ll also be electing a new representative for Reston in Congress.

Opinion: Independent Progressive: Vote YES on Virginia Constitutional Amendment

As one looks out over the public policy landscape in the midst of a seemingly out-of-control pandemic, it is easy to feel powerless and distressed at the direction of the country’s drift.

Commentary: TetraGate—A Million Here, A Million There

Tetra is back. Remember the big brouhaha in Reston last year when the Reston Association acquired the modest office building on the corner of the dam holding Lake Newport’s water?

Reston Association Elections: Time for Real Change?

Independent Progressive

Shortly after this column appears in your Reston Connection, you will be getting your very own ballots in the mail for the Reston Association Board of Directors election.

Elected Leaders Failing Us at So Many Levels

Americans are feeling more than a little let down by our government in Washington.

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August Getaway to Oregon

The impetus for the trip came from my two surviving younger sisters, one of whom made our reservations at Crater Lake National Park over a year ago. The spectacularly beautiful wonder of nature was to be the centerpiece of a 12-day trip which also included touring part of the Oregon Pacific coast and stays at Gold Beach, Ashland, Steamboat and Eugene.

Opinion: Hunkering Down and Looking Ahead


Affordable Housing-Talk Not Action in Fairfax, Reston

The shortage of affordable housing in Fairfax County and Reston rarely gets the analytical attention that the Connection’s edition of August 16-22 delivered in Mercia Hobson’s “3rd Wealthiest County in U.S. Fails to Provide Affordable Housing.” The article is based on conversations with several knowledgeable staff members of one excellent Reston’s charitable organization, Cornerstones, people serving the homeless and those in danger of becoming homeless.

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Re-Visioning Lake Anne for Fun and Profit

Independent Progressive

Commentary: Fairfax County Puts Reston Rezoning on Fast Track

Adventure on Metro Rail

Adventure on Metro Rail

Opinion: Independent Progressive: Lake Anne Audit—Mismanagement, Appearance of Self-Dealing

On June 11 the Forensic and Integrity Services group of the audit firm Ernst & Young presented the findings of its forensic audit of the prior Board of the Lake Anne Condominium Association (LARCA) to a membership meeting.

Independent Progressive: Ganesan, Johnson, Bowman and Petrine for Reston Association

Restore internal controls, transparency and no more Tetras!

Column: Looking Ahead to the 2015 Elections in Fairfax County

When we go to the polls in November, the ballot will include not only our state legislators, but also the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (Chairman and 9 district supervisors) and School Board (12 reps-9 district members and 3 at-large).

Column: Solar Coming to Reston—At Last?

Independent Progressive

Do you ever wonder why there seem to be almost no solar panels in Reston? You’d think that this generally progressive planned community inspired by visionary Robert Simon would in fact be a leader in using solar technology.

Commentary: RA Elections More Civilized than Presidential Election

Independent Progressive

I watch the debates of both parties’ presidential candidates and am fascinated, baffled and horrified.

Commentary: RA Elections More Civilized than Presidential Election

Independent Progressive

I watch the debates of both parties’ presidential candidates and am fascinated, baffled and horrified.

Column: Are You Ready for Spring in Reston?

It’s St. Patrick’s Day. So, faith and begorrah, spring cannot be far behind. I love snow, but even I have pretty much had enough!

Commentary: Reports of Lake Anne’s Demise are Premature

Things were looking a little bleak at Lake Anne in December as winter officially began.
