Cash for Mulch Supports MV Party

Cash for Mulch Supports MV Party

The all-night graduation party for Mt. Vernon High School got a big boost in capital funds on April 13, through the sale of all things — mulch.

According to Gary Feth, the mulch sale organizer, the group sold three tractor-trailers full of mulch. The effort involved 78 parents and students and raised a lot of money for the important post-graduation party.

“Our prices are competitive; we deliver orders of 10 bags or more and a portion of the cost is tax deductible,” Feth said. “Besides that, we have a lot of fun and it supports a worthy cause.”

The all night graduation party is held at the George Washington Recreation Center and features all types of entertainment, food and a safe, drug and alcohol-free place for students to celebrate their exit from high school.

“This is our first mulch sale and we would like to thank those who purchased mulch this year and encourage them and others to contact us next year to purchase mulch,” Feth said. “This is going to be an annual event.”